I'm sure @oss will fill you in with all the details, it has a reputation for being a bit of an anti-social drink in Scotland. I know "Buckie" was first made by the monks of Buckfast Abbey in Devon because I visited there many years ago.
I used to love watching Rab, brilliant series, I always think of Rabs wife when I see the SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon
There you go replaced it with a version with perfect lip sync, Google YouTube crappy contributors to blame for the first one not Windows 10
Buckfast is a different drinking experience which is all attributed to the 30mg caffeine per 100ml of liquid .. try it and see!
I recall being rather inebriated on an evening out. I tried a vodka / red bull combination which rather brought me to my senses somewhat, quite surprised me.
Haha Buckfast puts you in a strange state of inebriation where you know you can't walk but by some miracle you are actually walking
MMMmmm I must sample sometime and to be honest I hadn't heard of Buckfast until you mentioned it here.
God I really sound like an alcoholic .. I don't think there is one person on the planet who drinks Bucky for the taste of it !
Hi oss. Thank you for the welcome and don't worry about going off topic. I'll never complain when rab c Nesbitt is involved
Alcoholic drink made by French monks - Green Charteuse liqueur. Alcoholic drink made by Belgian monks - Westmalle beer. Alcoholic drink made by English monks - Buckfast tonic wine. Nuff said... But wait - There is a Filipino equivalent... Kulafu - yes it's a "Chinese tonic wine", yes it kicks like a mule and it tastes, if I may use that term, halfway between Buckie and Irn Bru. My Illonggo father in law claims to like it, but I think he really uses it as an initiative test for sons in law. We will pass gently over my Yorkshire brother in law's attempt to drink a third bottle...
http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.livingincebuforums.com/ipb/uploads/1270351693/gallery_3314_383_124800.jpg&imgrefurl=http://forum.philboxing.com/viewtopic.php?f%3D1%26t%3D262591&h=600&w=800&tbnid=5ojQ--ZlynEbZM:&docid=f0j_hhEpmpIKdM&ei=fqQyVpvRA8TjUZDMp_AL&tbm=isch&ved=0CCEQMygBMAFqFQoTCJuI0vPj6MgCFcRxFAodEOYJvg http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgu...d=0CCoQMygOMA5qFQoTCI7k-5_c6MgCFchbFAodLvEJSA