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Theresa May Goes to War over EU Migrants

Discussion in 'Life in the UK' started by Anon220806, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    "THE government has raised the prospect of a 75,000 cap on annual EU immigration as part of a radical change in Britain’s relationship with Europe.

    A leaked government report on the effect on Britain of the EU’s “open borders” policy suggests net migration from EU countries could be slashed by 30,000 from the current 106,000 a year by means of a cap.

    The Home Office paper on free movement of people, which has been seen by The Sunday Times, highlights proposals suggesting professionals and high-skilled migrants from countries such as Germany, Holland or Austria could move here only if they had a job offer.

    Lower-skilled workers would be allowed into Britain only if they had jobs on an approved national shortage job list. "

    read more here .. http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/...cle1352948.ece
  2. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    It's about time but I think it's a wee bit too late.
  3. Dave_E

    Dave_E Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Sunday Times link does not work, but I have seen this news elsewhere.

    It is all "smoke and mirrors" anyway.

    I agree with aposhark (above).
  4. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

  5. Dave_E

    Dave_E Well-Known Member Trusted Member

  6. Markham

    Markham Guest

    The Sunday Times' web site is subscription based and frankly I'm not giving Murdoch money to read stuff that other proprietors provide free.

    As Dave says, this story isn't quite what it seems. As this measure is announced in the run up to the New Year and the feared invasion by Bulgarians and Romanians, you might well assume that Cameron and May are seeking to limit their numbers. Well they are, but not yet and this announcement will have no impact on the numbers from those two countries seeking access to our country, our jobs and our benefits. This measure is one of those Cameron intends to negotiate with the EU if he wins the next election. They can't impose this measure immediately because to do so would be illegal but it seems other northern European countries are broadly supportive.

    I read the other day that the union Unite is having a recruitment drive targeting Romanian and Bulgarian migrants - and what a deal the union offers. In return for signing-up for membership, Unite officials will provide its newest members with all the assistance they need to be housed and claim benefits. Now isn't that kind?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2013
  7. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member


    You mean like the Daily Snail?
  8. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Goodness, you know a Bisayan word: your wife must be pleased with your achievement.

    I see no good reason to spend around £260 on a subscription to a Sunday newspaper that I wouldn't normally read. If that makes me stingy in your eyes, then fine, it's a badge I'll wear with pride.

    If you like but I was thinking of the Daily Telegraph, Independent, The Guardian or The Times all of which I can - and do - access on my tablet. I can also access the Mirror and the Sun but I don't; I prefer to read works by authors who've graduated from scrawling in crayon.
  9. Maharg

    Maharg Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    At least if the evil witch is having a pop at them it means she's leaving us alone.
  10. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    Dont count on it

    First they came for the Communists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Communist.

    Then they came for the Socialists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    Then they came for me,
    and there was no one left to speak for me.

    Racism and discrimination allways need to be stopped dead

    When Pastor Niemöller was put in a concentration camp we wrote the year 1937; when the concentration camp was opened we wrote the year 1933, and the people who were put in the camps then were Communists. Who cared about them? We knew it, it was printed in the newspapers.
    Who raised their voice, maybe the Confessing Church? We thought: Communists, those opponents of religion, those enemies of Christians - "should I be my brother's keeper?"
    Then they got rid of the sick, the so-called incurables. - I remember a conversation I had with a person who claimed to be a Christian. He said: Perhaps it's right, these incurably sick people just cost the state money, they are just a burden to themselves and to others. Isn't it best for all concerned if they are taken out of the middle [of society]? -- Only then did the church as such take note. Then we started talking, until our voices were again silenced in public. Can we say, we aren't guilty/responsible? The persecution of the Jews, the way we treated the occupied countries, or the things in Greece, in Poland, in Czechoslovakia or in Holland, that were written in the newspapers
    I believe, we Confessing-Church-Christians have every reason to say: mea culpa, mea culpa! We can talk ourselves out of it with the excuse that it would have cost me my head if I had spoken out.

  11. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    So why do you keep quoting from the Daily Snail?
  12. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    I personally think the Daily Mail is for folk that can do joined up writing but not joined up thinking its a progression Johm
  13. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Obviously it's a natural home for you then!
  14. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Migrant Benefit Ban to be Fast Tracked.

    "A ban on EU migrants claiming benefits from the moment they arrive in the UK is to be fast-tracked amid fears of an influx of Bulgarians and Romanians in the new year.

    The measure will be rushed through Parliament in time for the January 1 deadline when Bulgarian and Romanian nationals gain full rights to live and work in Britain.

    Currently EU migrants are entitled to claim benefits as soon as they enter the UK.
    However, last month David Cameron announced the three-month delay as one of a number of measures aimed at restricting so-called "benefit tourism".

    The ban will come into effect from the first day of the new year and from that point, with a few exceptions, all migrants from other EU states will have to wait three months before claiming out of work benefit.

    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  15. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    I dont see a significant problem with that since you have an automatic right of residence and to work for the first three months as a European after that you have to be qualified as long as the same rules apply to Brits who have no insurance related benifits no European laws on discrimination will have been broken:D
  16. Markham

    Markham Guest

    The following was written by the BBC political editor, Nick Robinson, and published in today's Mail On Sunday:
  17. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    As long as they have and keep a proper job. pay taxes, without purposedly scrounging off the social and follow the laws of the land, I dont give a damn.
    That would ensure that my state pension will be paid for as long as I live.
  18. Anon04576

    Anon04576 Well-Known Member

    They won't exist by the time its my turn :(
  19. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    9.30pm Tonight. BBC2

    The Truth About Immigration

    "Not long ago it was the great unmentionable of British politics. Any politician calling for curbs on immigration risked being branded a xenophobe and tainted by association with Enoch Powell. Cut to today and, as Nick Robinson outlines here, the big parties are suddenly competing with promises to clamp down on numbers, as anxieties grow over the effects on communities of a decade in which net immigration has been equivalent to ten cities the size of Southampton.

    Robinson explores the scale of the problem, the politics of why the doors were opened, and the way ahead. He also visits a school in Southampton where 42 languages are spoken, including two Zulu dialects.

    As politicians from all sides compete with promises to stem the flow of migrants to the UK, BBC political editor Nick Robinson examines the decisions that led to the biggest surge of immigration in modern history. He asks whether officials can control immigration as much as they claim and looks at the potential costs of these pledges and the possibility that the plans could backfire."

  20. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    On BBC Radio 4 this morning, it reported 75% of people surveyed wanted immigration curbed.
    People are pee'd off. What about the jobs disappearing for British kids?

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