I'm a Scot living in England quit working last January, this year has been my first opportunity in 20 years to spend an extended amount of time in the Philippines.
Dunno why i didn't think of that. Haha. Looks not bad. Butvi have no idea whether the in flight entertainment is an additional cost or if it's included. I called Saudi and they just told me to check the webpage, which doesn't seem to tell me, not that i can see anyway.
So you have hardly had any time with your kids? What is the situation if your married to a Filipino. Can you emigrate or not? I did ask that question in here months ago but from what i recall it didn't sound easy or even possible for someone like myself. I think you can't take up employment for 5yrs after emigrating if your married to a Filipino. I need to brush up on these things. I kinda gave up on the idea after asking about options when i first joined tbis forum.
Have to admit if I was flying anywhere near the Middle East or with one of the Airlines from that way ATM... I'd be wondering if they're checking for exploding pagers etc...
I just had a look at your old post ... saying you wouldn't be able to meet the £36k requirement It's changed - it's £29k until the summer of 2025 - so that might mean you're ok now
If married can move to Philippines on 13a visa which I believe would allow you to work out there. Only problem is what work will you be able to get and how much would it pay. Surviving on Filipino wages will be a challenge when used to Western income and would need some skills unique to you to command more. Worth remembering that they can want and get someone with a degree for jobs that are min wage in UK and accepting anyone. If living in Manila on a 13a visa then one option might be to look at Embassy jobs as with British citizenship then may stand out if applying for jobs at the embassy. https://fco.tal.net/vx/appcentre-ex...5695_lk=1372&f_Item_Opportunity_15689_lk=1844
Thanks ... I actually watched a youtube video about that earlier. A little light at the end of the tunnel maybe. The only potential issue with that roite is that a requirement of emigrating via this method is that you need to be abke to show you are financially capable to survive. I did have a quick look but in the time i had wasn't able to find out how much money you must have in order to be able to financially support yourself if anything goes wrong, like you can't find work or such like. Does anyone happen to know that info?
Not, i'm afraid not John. But good to know it's been reduced... with any luck for folks that'll stay low... Some of these types of "requirements to be met" come with additional rules, for example.... "must be on that pay for level for 6 months or 2 yrs prior and have been in your profession for that time". I made that example up based on past experience many yrs ago when was looking into emigrating to Australia.
the minimum income requirement is based on the gross annual income received in the 12 months prior to the application date, as well as the gross annual employment income on the application date. The income from both parts must meet the minimum income threshold. No position duration required
So is the above assuming a person is already in the Philippines and has been working for over a year? Do yoi know what the minimum income threshold is?
I've had several years with the kids, more with my son as he's the eldest and I went over a lot more when he was small, but the last 16 years I've not been able to go there quite as often probably only spent 2 years there in the last 16 and maybe about 18 months in the 4 years prior to that. I can't marry Ana because she was previously married to a South Korean and although divorced she never completed the divorce recognition procedure in the Philippines in part because her lawyer lost several key documents including her original marriage certificate and the Korean divorce decree. I wouldn't marry her now anyway for lots of other reasons, when I do emigrate which I am thinking now I definitely will do I will get an SRRV retiree visa, that will give me all the privilages I need over there, including the right to work immediately if I so choose but that's unlikely, I'm sick of working now I'm old and I want to relax.
That's a long time to hold on to a desire to emigrate. But at least you can make it happen eh. I wish it was as easy for us to go there as it is for certain folks to come here.
lots of info on this link https://visaguide.world/moving-to/philippines/ and https://www.google.com/search?q=imm...EAHZsvFdkQ8NMDegQIBRAW&biw=1366&bih=641&dpr=1