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Power plug adapter

Discussion in 'Technology Advice' started by Fazer1, Sep 19, 2024.

  1. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    I'm thinking of leaving the UK in 2026, I want to bring my daughter over to the UK for a holiday next year to meet family here for the first time I might try and bring my son as well although that's harder because he doesn't have a British passport (reasons are too long and complicated to explain) it will depend on what time they get out of school and Uni during the summer next year.

    The main benefit for me in moving is that I won't pay tax on my UK state pension or my private pensions when I am in the Phils and that is a huge saving for me although it will be offset somewhat against increased healthcare costs like health insurance in the Philippines. It will also consolidate my living costs as no more rent, bills and council tax in the UK. The Phils is not really much cheaper to live in than the UK but at least I would would finally be with my kids full time.
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  2. Fazer1

    Fazer1 Active Member

  3. Fazer1

    Fazer1 Active Member

    Lucky guy. Sounds like you have it figured out.

    I'm not envious at all :(
  4. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    :D Don't wish for old age, by the time you get there you might not be fit enough to actually enjoy it, the truly lucky ones are the ones who have both financial security and good health by the time they get old.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  5. Fazer1

    Fazer1 Active Member

    I hear you man. :like:
  6. Br28016

    Br28016 Active Member Trusted Member

    You found any decent healthcare insurance options out there ? Always a concern in terms of living there. Schools are another concern when have kids who have been brought up in Western Schools and only speak English.
  7. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    I haven't looked yet but I'd probably go for one of the well known international companies like the Pru or SunLife or Axa, they won't be cheap but they should be fairly good.

    My kids are fully bilingual luckily, both of them speak english really well, although I do try to extend their vocuabulary when I am there and I also try to get them more accustomed to British speech patterns. Had my kids grown up in the UK then yes the lack of Tagalog would have been an issue.
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