“In days long past this everything in moderation mantra may have provided sensible guidance, but today it’s not appropriate. Convenience foods dominate the supermarket shelves and advertising space. Their brightly coloured packages provide an almost nonstop subliminal effect on the part of your brain you don’t have so much control of. For the majority of people, it’s important to step away from this unhelpful cliché. It gives the green light to all sorts of foods best left out of your daily diet routine. These junk foods have been designed, not grown, and not born. Put together piece by piece by an industry desperate for you to keep buying them and happy to chemically ensure that you do. They care not if their products make you obese and unwell, because they hide behind another mantra; calories in calories out. This means they can blame you for eating too much and not moving enough. Don’t stand for it, it’s not your fault, but you will have to be proactive to break away from this. If your goal is weight loss, I recommend you keep your diet simple until you have control over those addictions that have been forced upon you and that keep you snacking —eat a little an often, another damaging mantra I will address in due course.” https://medium.com/beingwell/everything-in-moderation-is-ruining-your-health-2e83816f393c
You have absolutely no idea what I understand and don't understand absolutely zero. You can stick to your objectionable posts and be selective to the members you kowtow to. In many posts you and others have talked about levels of carbs in foods and measuring intake of said carbs and foods therefore and if you look up the meaning of moderation (ensure non excessive use of) your alking about moderating the intake End of discussion with you.Your a wannabe.
Ah, virging on rudeness now. It isn’t the end of a discussion. It isn’t up for discussion. It is a fact, but a fact that you are not able to understand. It is very clear. However, there are many like you so you are in good company. If you dont understand just say, rather than proffering your opinion because you can. Just because a forum gives the means to have a say, doesn’t mean you understand what you are talking about. Good luck with your moderation. End of my say on your opinion.
This wannabe GP does not use the expression moderation. In fact he believes it is a daft expression applied to nutrition. Of course he is correct. Neither does his wife use the expression “eat foods in moderation”who is a Dr and clinical psychologist. They no longer use it as part of their vocabulary. They have a practise in the Liverpool area and wannabe known for their success.
Firstly, is the a cue for me to be offensive? I notice you have initiated the offensive remarks. Secondly, I am paraphrasing him and many like him when I say that moderation should not be applied to nutrition. The problem is you just don’t get it. So you make up your own opinion so that you sound like you know what you are talking about. When you do that, you make it clear that you don’t know what you are talking about in your posted opinions. Best keep your mouth shut and say nothing. One last shot, though you aren’t really worth it. Try and get your head around this and the last sentences of the video. If you don’t understand it, it isn’t my fault so don’t get upset if you don’t understand it.
T Tell me does your aversion to the use of the word moderation it being a waste of time apply to alcohol intake as well as food in the fight against obesity
Did you watch the video? It saves me explaining it to you. Did you understand what he is saying? If you watch and listen he explains why the term moderation is widely used in the context of nutrition and the consequences of applying it and how it filters through to the public and why. He is putting it fairly simply so that those that are cerebrally challenged can get to grips with it. He is essentially underlining what is already well known but the rational behind its use. Scientifically it’s a useless term anyway. There isn’t one single scientist that I know and have worked with or know of that would use it. It’s as useless as describing something as warm or cool. Both relative terms that don’t convey an awful lot but are used all the time. If you do not understand his point, then it is lost on you I am afraid. Perhaps you can get Oss to translate it for you.
No i have not watched the video, I have no intention of watching the video Thanks. I think this is exhausted now as it is becoming more and more apparent that in the words of a Current Active Lifetime member "you could start an argument in an empty room"
A sign of manlove pmsl But above in an earlier response on this thread you ask for a definition of moderation well here you go" the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one's behaviour or political opinions" So to count carb intake like you suggest to ensure you don't go over a certain number which would be classed as extreme intake you moderate your intake. However if you refer to junk food one should look to eliminate intake. By adopting this approach of moderation I've lost and maintained the loss of 14 kilos. But I don't feel your manlove
You have just demonstrated that you still don’t get it. Get someone to explain it to you. I was right when I said it goes right over your head. Get Oss to explain it to you.
In manlove 3 is a crowd! No comment on the explanation of moderation no comment on my weight loss. Of course not because it would destroy your pious attitude to your cause that many listen to (How many actually respond on the subject to you oh yes many if many is 2 or 3 then it is many) Got to dash to make my moderate lunch! Stick to your man love fantasies.
What are you on about? Explain yourself. “In man love 3 is a crowd”. What are you trying to say here? “No comment on the explanation of moderation no comment on my weight loss” . What are you saying? Explain.
You asked in a different thread what moderation meant to me so I explained it. You count your carb intake? Yes! Anything above your desired intake you would deem excessive Yes? Therefore you are moderating your intake of carbs to avoid excessive carb inntake! ( meaning of moderation look it up and apply)
Looks great we find it cheaper and better value to buy the whole melon instead of the segments. Makes great juice.
Wrong wrong and wrong. All wrong. You don’t really understand what you read, watch or hear. I am not going to attempt to explain it yet again. I am involved with helping a lot of people reversing their poor health condition. Not one of them behaves remotely like you. You have to be the worst individual I have come across, by quite a long way. What did you mean by “man love”? Come on. Out with it. Let’s see just the measure of your intellect.