This looks like opportunistic robbery, rather than anything to do with the lady. It is a warning to us all about the need to be careful and the need to have good insurance in place. (Which, by definition, you won't have if you are travelling to Mindanao...)
The report says he was outside a convenience store in Cebu City... what's Mindanao got to do with it? Was he a member?
I. He's still alive. 2. No, I don't think he is 3. Since the British Embassy advises against travel to Mindanao, your travel insurance may be void if you go there. 4. The SunStar say this happened in Talisay, which is for practical purposes a suburb of Cebu..
He does not appear to have been a member here, I have searched for any similar names. And Andrew is just making a valid point that even if you have paid for travel insurance which this man foolishly appears not to have done, then there are places in the Philippines where it won't be valid anyway.
Surprising that someone whom one might have suspected to be reasonably well off given that he comes from Milngavie didn't pay for travel insurance. Yeah I know I am stereotyping but Bearsden and Milngavie (pronounced something like Mulguye) are the posh bits of Glasgow where historically all the professionals lived, very high owner occupancy rate and this was long before Maggie's revolution in home ownership. Good to know he is alive though.
My Travel insurance was due for renewal, Ive cancelled it now, no point spending the money if I aint covered in Mindanao.
That would be foolish mate, I'm guessing you have worldwide annual cover? The insurance should cover anything that happens to you on your flight, to your baggage and while you are travelling in all other parts of the Philippines or elsewhere in the world, do you fly direct to Mindanao or do you transit via Manila? There would still be plenty of reasons for having it.
I get travel insurance included with the AA and my Bank account with the CooP worth checking you may have it without knowing
The silly thing is I think I would have done the same and refused to hand it over. It is an eye opener for myself in so much as I always feel comfortable in Cebu. Being so comfortable leaves you open. Asawa actually shouted at me when we were in Moalboal. She said I was arguing (I wasn't) when bartering a price for travel. I refused the guy and just walked off. His friends were over the road watching this go on. Loss of face especially from a foreigner is not the done thing if one wants to remain as safe as one can. Either way a silly move on my behalf.
Hindsight is always a wonderfull thing and as hes young and not even English we should abandon him to his fate its redickulas that they even treated him without insurance or a Credit Card Darwinism is underrated only the fitist should survive or at least those with money
on another thread I have noted that for the first time that I have seen the UK Gov travel to the Philippines site the info is getting more detailed naming troublesome areas and also that just South of Cebu is hi lighted as an "essential travel only area"
Me............... I always take a back seat, I dress so the Filipino will feel sorry for me and put money in my pocket
One look at me and they'll realise I'm as skint as they are ! I would have offered them the money but fought them for the other contents of the wallet. All those cards and licences to renew. I hate paperwork with a passion and would not have handed over something so useless (to them) and important (to me) without having a go. Anyway, a bullet to my chest has got a good few inches to travel through before it gets to anything vital. His crowdfunding total stands at £910 of £10,000 sought. Judging from the general antipathy towards those who marry 'forrin birds', he's probably doing better than expected. Hopefully he will recover and manage to complete the mission and marry his wife-to-be.