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When did you get a home for your family?

Discussion in 'Life in the UK' started by MattWilkie, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. MattWilkie

    MattWilkie Member

    I am generally a nomad when it comes to working, I work nationally and internationally so spend half my life in hotels or traveling which is why I haven't had a base in the UK for years.

    But now the Mrs and kids are hopefully coming to the UK (Unless work throws me a curve ball) when would be the best time to get a house?

    As I have no short term need for it would actually pay to wait as long as possible as I can raise a bigger deposit. As just signing the paperwork would see :-

    water rates
    council tax
    electric bill
    TV license

    even if not yet living there which is why I would prefer to leave it until I needed it. But does it have any visa implications?
  2. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Scotland after independence might see visa issues :D Other than that, not really. Anywhere in the UK would do in that sense.
  3. MattWilkie

    MattWilkie Member

    Been looking at Corby and Northampton, got no connection to the area except its not far from London and house prices seem reasonable. Also there seems to have been a huge cash injection into Corby in recent years.
  4. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    For the visa, you will need to have a stable place to call home. Whether that be in a house with your parents or siblings, rented accommodation or a house you own. That said, you can throw down the deposit and rent a place for 6 months whilst you apply for the visas.
  5. MattWilkie

    MattWilkie Member

    I can use my parents as a base, won't be here much once work kicks in but I generally use it for driving license etc. trying to avoid renting a place if I can help it as I estimate that I could double a deposit on a place if I have near enough zero living costs. Sounds a bit extreme but the Philippines side already generates enough income to be sustainable. Once work kicks in meals, travel, car and accommodation is covered Mon-Fri and possibly weekends if I get shipped off abroad for a bit.

    Estimate rent at £600 per month
    Water rates £
    Electric £130
    Council tax £90
    Gas £100

    Roughly with everything (add food and TV license etc. around £1000+) that's an extra £6,000 deposit that would go to expenses otherwise. If I can bank £15,000 would give a good starting point. As I can't put in for visa's etc. for 6 months as I want to be able to show 6 months minimum of earnings. But also hoping to add a few more pounds to the bank with other things as well to get the savings/deposit over £20,000 before applying to show good income plus a backup fund if needed.
  6. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    For your parents, you will need to get a letter from them stating they are fine for their home to be classed as your home (for the visa) as well as proof of their ownership.

    So, perhaps treat them to a slap up meal before asking ;)
  7. MattWilkie

    MattWilkie Member

    Not an issue but will prep everything in 6 months as I can't see there being any issues as the house has no mortgage either.

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