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Recovery in UK House Prices 33% Cumulative Growth by 2017

Discussion in 'Life in the UK' started by Anon220806, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

  2. MattWilkie

    MattWilkie Member

    Growth is happening and false injection of capital. Reality is the UK is FUBAR financially but they are going to surge positively in a similar way to the titanic. The only difference being that those with spare capital at the moment may invest in the wrong things and those are that things aren't so rosy will find something more stable. There will always be a demand for student accommodation and I know where I currently am they've turned the place into a hole. Not students fault as they are young and immature but also means there is a market that will need accommodation ALWAYS. Why? because when the UK economy is in the toilet the exchange rates make it more viable for Chinese and other nationalities to study here. When its good its full of government subbed students (yes they will pay back eventually but either way rent is guaranteed). Above this we are still a nation that is figuring out how to beat an uncontrolled debt. But history has shown with places like South Korea that education is king to pull a country out of the toilet.

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