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Discussion in 'Warnings and Dangers' started by David jordan, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. David jordan

    David jordan Active Member

    Read an article in the Washington post about the drug related killings since June.Reported 3000 murders ,men woman and children.looks likely that the UN will get involved etc.Was crime really that bad before the new president ? Is this an acceptable price to be paid for less corruption and drug related crime ?
  2. tipipay

    tipipay Active Member

    Are you referring to the Philippines?
    If this problem is not stopped, we'll soon become a narco-state. Most people who reportedly killed were involved in drugs and the trade itself. Some died during buy-bust operations whom suspects reportedly tried to resist arrest and used violence towards the police. The figure is not 3,000, if I'm not mistaken it climbed to 6,000++. But it's not even one percent of the almost 1 million of Filipinos (drug addicts, pushers) who surrendered.

    It's alarming, yes. There were a lot of theories why this killings happened. Some said it's mercenaries, pushers killing each other, drug lords ordering the killings to silence those people below the pyramid.

    But try to ask a Filipino IN THE PHILIPPINES, are we scared? Most will answer NO. Because we can feel the change. No more addict neighbor, no more news of addicts who killed and raped a woman, addicts steal money just to maintain the addiction, etc. There was this news:
    86-year-old ‘butchered,’ had innards removed by grandson

    The grandson was high on illegal drugs. Sometimes, it lets you think. Which is "better" (I know this can't be called better but given the option), an innocent person killed by an addict? Or an addict killed to save a few innocent citizens of the country? -- And yes killing is not an appropriate word and should never be an option as life is precious, but try to see the logic.

    I know some will have a different opinion and may disagree with me. I can say my country is starting to get out from the black hole.
    Just a note: Some media companies will make an exaggeration of these negative news and positive news are often disregarded. Read and research more.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
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  3. tipipay

    tipipay Active Member

    Before Duterte became president, did you know that shabu or meth is cooked inside the prison? The funny thing is how can you imprison a person when he's already a prisoner?

    Alleged shabu cooking in Bilibid tunnels being verified—Aguirre

    Read more: http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/797887...-tunnels-being-verified-aguirre#ixzz4TSPM5DET
    Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook

    Shabu being cooked in NBP underground tunnels, says Aguirre

    Read more:
    Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook
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  4. Methersgate

    Methersgate Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=united nations

    Tipipay is a Duterte supporter.

    My wife is not a Duterte supporter and neither are any of our friends.

    I look forward to learning from Tipipay why it was that nobody was killed in Manila on the night of the Manila police force Christmas party, earlier this week.

    "The Philippines - where they make it easy to spot the crooks - they put them in uniform!" is a joke that used to go round amongst foreigners in the days of Ferdinand Marcos, which, incidentally, I rememeber...

    Here's one of today's crop:

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
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  5. Methersgate

    Methersgate Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    James Taylor isn't happy. But Mocha Uson says he cant sing anyway, so that's all right.


    Meanwhile, cronyism is back in full force with this President - we haven't seen this sort of thing in the past six years...


    and the killers get cash bonuses, which the Government denies, then pays anyway...

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. graham59

    graham59 Banned

    My wife is no fan of Duterte either. Most of the Filipinos I broached (carefully) the subject with when I was there earlier this month, also seemed to think he was not good for the country.
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  7. uklove

    uklove Active Member

    Quite a few filipinos now regret voting him in.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  8. Markham

    Markham Guest

    How do you account for his popularity being so high, then?
  9. tipipay

    tipipay Active Member

    I support policies, bills and projects that will help elevate the lives of the Filipino people.

    So far he is doing a satisfactory job in delivering services like free education (I'm not certain for how long but I'm certain it will provide free education on 2017) and healthcare. Bam Aquino has been confirmed that it is not his bill that has been passed on the free education issue.

    Duterte also commanded to expedite the processing of turnover of houses to the victims of Yolanda.Remember Yolanda? That was years ago! Who will not support this kind of governance?
  10. tipipay

    tipipay Active Member

    Absolutely. If some people think he is a worst president, don't you think it will be the masses who will throw him out of the position?

    The masses will surely mach along the streets to impeach him like the other former presidents (Marcos, Erap).
  11. tipipay

    tipipay Active Member

    My point is try to give the old man some chance. Look at his track record. Look at what services he has provided to the public. LOOK AT HIS ACHIEVEMENTS.

    He may admitted killing publicly -- and that was about killing 3 kidnappers in the 80s (if my memory serves me right) to rescue a kidnap victim.

    Here is the link:

    He may not behave like a saint but surely he delivers good services to the public.

    AGAIN, I SUPPORT POLICIES and BILLS THAT WILL HELP ELEVATE THE LIVES OF THE FILIPINO PEOPLE. Duterte has shown good results so far. Thus, I'm trying to share what good deeds he did for the country. I feel pity for Duterte that he is often called as murderer, etc without even looking at the services he has provided to the public.

    Presidents come and go, all we have to do is support a governance that will improve and make the country better.

    Politics is a dirty field to be honest. I respect all your opinions, those are your experiences after all.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2016
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  12. uklove

    uklove Active Member

    Just quoting what the Mrs said....
  13. tipipay

    tipipay Active Member

    There were posts on Facebook that shows low ticket sales of James Taylor's concert. Knowing it will be in Feb?

    As for the "killers" @Methersgate , have you not thought why this media companies kept on just talking? They can always investigate and file a case to those guilty don't you think?

    If these people have evidences, they are free to file a case. I can't say all police in uniform are innocent, there is this saying "There are always going to be a few bad apples."
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Timmers

    Timmers Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    I must say that I admire the robust defence of DU30 by @tipipay, the people of the Philippines knew they were electing a unorthodox leader and as long as he is supported by the majority which he obviously is then he should be left to get on with the job he was elected to do.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Bootsonground

    Bootsonground Guest

    JT is on EVERY Videoke system songlist in the R.P...If he had not cancelled he would have sold every ticket in the venue.. No doubts about it.
    Although I respect his reasons for cancellation,I disagree with him..
    Had he known and lived amongst the atrocities on innocent people here happening daily via violent Drug addicts I dare say he may have changed his mind.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2016
  16. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    On the other hand........ This JT fella could be running scared in case he likes to have a few recreational puffs that may cause him to suffer from lead poisoning...
  17. Methersgate

    Methersgate Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    That's an unusually silly post even for you.

    If you knew anything about him, you would know that he is a poster boy for becoming cured of a heroin addiction.

    He's about as likely to puff a spliff as an ex alcoholic is to have a drink, or as I am to touch a cigarette.

    The attached page from the Inquirer offers a different perspective to that of Tipipay:

  18. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    In case you have blinked and missed it........ The seem to shoot "past" and "present" alleged addicts.
    The word "cured" from addiction doesn't seem to exist in their dictionary.

    If small children get caught in the crossfire, and they don't give a hoot, it only means no one is safe,

    I am waiting for when thay start killing the killers.........
  19. tipipay

    tipipay Active Member

    According to a recent survey, his trust ratings may have dropped down but he still got a satisfying score.

    Overall, 81 percent of Filipinos still have much trust in the president. Nine percent have little trust in him, while 10 percent are still undecided.

    Link: http://cnnphilippines.com/news/2016/12/22/Duterte-trust-rating-SWS-Q4.html

    I wonder what's that called.
  20. tipipay

    tipipay Active Member

    I've heard some of his songs, and I can say he's quite a good artist, a legend in his field.
    I respect his decision and I'm quite amazed that he stood up to what he believed in. Not all people can do this. It's just unfortunate that for such reason he cancelled.

    I haven't shared my opinion of this, I've just stated what I've read. And if you will re-read it again, you will notice a question mark.

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