I must admit I'm not a great lover of McDonalds and the like but occasionally when I do partake in one it does hits the spot.
I wonder if the car park of this Jollibee will be like the car parks, of Jollibees in the Philippines. with three motorbikes parked there, for every car.
Sad that even more junk food outlets are opening ANYWHERE . More expense repairing pavements in the future and providing care for diabetics.
Sad that even more junk food outlets are opening ANYWHERE . More expense repairing pavements in the future and providing care for diabetics. This is one thing Ive come to really admire about the Filipino cooking very little processed food is used infact Juby and I were talking about the fact that since shes been here we have not visited the frozen food aisles in Tesco at all the range of fruit and veg I have tried has increased greatly,when we went for christmas at her sisters in Manchester and celebrated with her sisters Filipino friends the amount of cooked food from scratch was a tribute to all the ladies there.
Newsflash : a man can learn how to cook just as well as them, and in some cases better. Even Filipino food. Cooking your meals, is not what women are for.
I don't think Mr. Townsend was making any sort of 'chauvinist' statement. I cook most of my own food because I enjoy cooking... but if a lady wants to cook something for me... fine.
cooking is one thing I like to share if possible but only if they the women are any good at it. my own sister is, despite years of trying, a crap cook. Her husband on the other hand isn't. He's good. Result is, he is the one who does and supervises most of the cooking especially on special occasions. In any relationship, whoever is the best at a particular task, tends to do it. I've had a lot of Filipino girlfriends and with most of them I could cook better than them. I was lucky in that early on I had a girlfriend who was a good cook and she showed me how to do all the main Filipino dishes - however Filipino cuisine is not a difficult cuisine to get the hang of how to do. That did not take long. When two of us are both at the same kind of level as cooks, we share it kind of equally. I'm not any kind of a control freak and I do not insist either that I do the cooking, or they do the cooking. I want us both to do it. Unless they are crap. Then in all probability I will end up doing it.
I find most Filipino food bland or unpalatable ... even after 26 years...whoever cooks it. That will go down well here.
Filipino food is OK but the trouble is it is surrounded by all these other cuisines that are indisputably among the world's best - Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese. So it looks bad, by comparison. it is not the only one. few people think Burmese food is all that great either. Sandwiched between India and Thailand, theirs is always going to come off looking 2nd best. done well there is nothing wrong with Filipino food. I was with a girl on the Camotes over Christmas/New Year and she came up with these fantastic bola-bola meatballs one time - better than I could have done. I was really impressed. I asked her what she used in the ingredients and so on. it will never reach the dizzy heights of Siam. And the trouble is that few people in the Philippines bother all that much with food preparation. But when they do bother, the food is OK.
Sorry John, misunderstanding its not that I know of... what I mean is if they think Jollibee in London will survive then "Gerry's Grill a must". it would make a fortune.... mmmmm maybe a business opportunity....
Maybe because they integrate so well into the host country they do not feel it necessary to stay in large groups.
Well, I hope that they do set up in the U.K. as it would be great to see a Filipino company succeeding here. Obviously it is down to the individuals pocket and palate but many Filipinos seem to get withdrawal symptoms if they do not get a Jollibee “fix” now and again. And who knows, maybe some of us Brit’s might choose Jollibee as an alternative to MacDonalds and Burger King. We could see a time when we stop off at a motorway service station in the UK, fill up with petrol, visit the comfort room and call in for a Jollibee?
He is proud. If the shoe were on the other foot Im not so sure i could vlog for over 9 minutes on say Asda opening a store in Cebu