A mate of mine is an ex JW and he also went through the whole 'Your Dead' thing with his wife. It was a bitter break up too, so much it affected his daughter who turned to drugs and alcohol, his son did a bit better. Proof that religion messes you up, imagine seeing your father everyday, only for your mother to tell you he doesn't exist, or he's dead because of a religion. JW is an evil, dangerous cult and I make it quite clear to them if they every dare darken my doorstep. I used to work with a JW, and she would spontaneously burst into tears for no apparent reason, or flounce off over something trivial. Horrible.
I didn’t think that would be possible, GDPR and all that. With a reg you can find if a vehicle is taxed, insured and MOTd and historic MOTs
i use a photo with that number plate on it as my avatar on the biggest ex-jw forum--and i'm very active and outspoken on there. never had a death-threat ( yet ) i once went to the police to ask them to check if a certain person had a driving licence--they refused. this was after i had phoned the dvla with the same request--and response.
its hardly surprising so many JW's are mentally ill--or unstable. just imagine living a life where you believe your "loving" god is going to annihilate all mankind--except his chosen few--very soon now. this is truly what they believe--the battle of armageddon--imminent. i kid you not.
I remember watching that,cringeworthy when he realised the magnitude of what he had travelled there to do,total bottle job but he made cash out of the documentary,the crowd weren't too happy with him
I have a good friend from Paisley also named Malcolm, not seen him for decades but he got into JW in his twenties, he'd been through years of drug usage and booze mostly cannabis use but he found the JW and it seemed to centre him but I was always worried for him and his family he was a really nice guy but completely absorbed by them.
oddly enough-- my relatively few years as a JW--started at about 9 when mom got religion, me being baptised into the religion at 14--along with my dad,--left school at 15 and became a full-time "pioneer" door to door preacher, servant in the congregation at 18..married at 20, became a dad at 23--thats when i quit--because of the "no blood" issue. yet--i was acutely embarrassed when i had to state my religion. now--a lifetime later--i've no hang ups about it all, in fact--i'm rather proud how i coped with all the loss and rejection i experienced...and now--over the last 10 years--have helped others cope with the turmoil incurred when trying to get out of the cult. make no mistake--it is a very damaging high control cult--suicide is the only way out for some. paedophilia is not unknown. high divorce rate. wrecked families are common. the sweet old ladies who come knocking on your door are usually totally blind to the reality of it all.
As I've said to you before Malcolm I had the dedicated guy arrive at the door when I just fourteen, now 46 years ago and I argued a Quantum Mechanical interpretation of reality and existence with him, I was aggressive with the power of youth and to this day I regret the effect I had on that man, he did leave the JW shortly after he also left his wife and I have always felt guilty that I might have been a contributory factor, I was just being a smart arsed kid at the time. I do not like the JW but every individual has to come to terms with their own reality and their own way of dealing with the infinite and all reality is personal and in that sense it is wrong to preach at anyone and I still regret how I treated that man as I was just trying to win an argument at that time and show how clever I was.
They never come to my door - since I told them that I was disfellowshipped by the JWs and I do not want to speak to an elder. Fortunately I have never been a JW and I lied to them.