Summer Time Begins – March 26, 2023 "Spring Forward, Fall Back " To me, this is always a sign that warmer weather is not too far away.
It’s decent weather here,haven’t worn trousers since I arrived,just shorts,meanwhile Er indoors sent me footage of the snow in Ottawa yesterday,it looks cold.Just been for a walk after breakfast.
Bluebells, snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils, the greens of the early covering of hedgerows and trees, yep some are already blooming the colours of nature.
I was watching a pair of peregrine falcon a few days ago building a nest on a water tower,and a few humming birds feeding from flowers outside a coffee shop a few days ago and thinking “Spring has sprung”.
Around LA had a huge drop of snow 2 days back,I went to watch some peregrine falcons yesterday and you can see it on the hills,I was chatting to a surfer type dude who was going up there snowboarding.