Here is the perfect chance, once again, for some of us, to meet up, let the ladies and some of the kids loose on the unsuspecting Barrio goers, and relax savouring the atmosphere aided by a a can of pop or cider or whatever one fetches along. hoping for good weather, and a great natter. We will probably go for the two days, which means booking the hotel for 2 nights, and on the sunday, before going we could have that great carvery lunch again..!8m2!3d52.4630317!4d-1.9963842 This hotel, is only about 10/15 minutes away, pretty reasonable in price, with a great all day kind of inexpensive carvery. We did use it two years ago, and we seemed to be very happy there. Let's do it again. Who wants to be the official photographer this time..??
So, please guys, let's have a bit of a count and make it bigger than two years ago.... Dom and Jet............. x 2
Any takers yet,,?? As some of you know, the rooms tend to get booked rather fast. It would be nice to see how many of us will be able to neet up for a good natter and for the ladies to socialize in the Klingon language..
Our room is booked. Arriving on Friday 6th, departing on Sunday 8th. Planning on leaving early-ish pm on Sunday, as I will have to travel to Harrogate for work, after dropping Madam at home. Come on guys get your credit or debit cards to have some exercise, the wallet moths are causing havoc with them... I can recommend
yes we will probably attend, wifes second FLR application is due around about then she might be sent back to the RP haha! I hope not otherwise who will do my washing cooking and cleaning (only kidding)
I'm coming but I'll be stopping in my camper van. Will be using the pub for liquid and solid refreshments though!
Yes I do get that on occasion when I click on some links so I can well believe it to be the case, though the one on the notice at the top is retaining my login at this moment in time.
Hi good day everyone, I have a mother in England(Status: Permanent Residence Visa). She wishes to invite her grandsons ages 9 and 15 to UK this semestral break. She is scheduled to come home for a vacation on late September. Can she bring the kids with here when she goes back to England and the kids will come back to the Philippines by themselves? Considering that both kids are minor, is it possible? Thank you.
Airlines won't allow minors to travel unless they are accompanied by a responsible adult. Some - not all - do provide an unaccompanied minor service at some cost. You will have to tell the airline the full contact details of the family members they will be dealing with at the departure and arrival airports.