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Why vegan is the fastest growing food movement in the world

Discussion in 'General Chit Chat' started by aposhark, Oct 27, 2019.

  1. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    Why are you so overbearing, John?
    You have already got another member on your case, don't make it worse.
  2. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    I don't want or need your help :eek: :lol::lol::lol:
    You have always been an attention seeker but you are now getting rather too big for your boots.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2022
  3. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    FYI - I have reported this post. As you know but sometimes forget, insults are not allowed.
  4. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Anyhow. I thought you guys ate hedgehog sandwiches on the road..

  5. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    What has Gazza got to do with "plant-based"?
  6. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    Now who is being silly?
    I did not watch it, don't think that everything you post is watched by me.
    I had you on ignore for a long time and, sadly, you will be again soon if you don't reign in your superiority complex.
    I say this because occasionally you post things that are worthy of reading.
    Your obsessiveness regarding health is getting too much for me and someone else.
    Perhaps a less boastful attitude would help?
    You have been banned so many times and under so many different names.
    It would be a shame not to be able to read your useful science-related posts
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2022
  7. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Will you please stop attacking people and disparaging them on the basis of their occupation.

    He's stated he was vegan and he's stated that he's pescatarian now, the title of the thread is fact based and whether you like it or not it appears that veganism is just about the fastest growing lifestyle in the world, that's a fact.

    And not everything is about metabolic health, people on here are getting really sick of hearing that the only thing that matters in the whole world is one person's view of what is metabolically healthy, Tim Spector's Zoe project does not agree with you, they are not, repeat not, promoting keto meat eating everything as the solution for everyone on the planet.
  8. Lee Adams

    Lee Adams Active Member

    Far too many dangers connected with the Vegan diet including toxicity symptoms such as a leaky gut,heavy metal intake,annemia, deficiency in B 12 etc.
    I did consider it once but after a deep dive researching the negatives ,I decided to go elsewhere. So glad that I did.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    You have that wrong Oss. Tim Spectre and Dr David Unwin are on the same page. I would know that and I know that you wouldn’t. Watch the darned video and see why the vegan diet is a risk to metabolic health which includes heart disease, obesity, T2 diabetes and hypertension. I cannot be bothered going through it as you ought to be able figure that out for yourself. The thing is contrary to your thinking I don’t need or seek forum approval on this, which is what you seem to think this forum is for. The world according to British Filipino. A handful of truck drivers and a few others. The really odd bit is that I thought I could help a few people and that is what I do in a large team of others including health care professionals within the NHS not a rag tag and bobtail collection of amateurs. But in seeking to give help I encountered flippancy, chicanery, obstinacy, rudeness and countless arguments much of which came from yourself Oss. Okay so you work in IT and you have a hold on this forum but that’s it, you don’t have a handle on absolutely everything outside of it, yet you write your posts as if you do. The approval rating of this forum has gone downhill as far as the world outside of it is concerned. The approval rating for the body of people that I work with is gathering pace on a global scale and not just in some far flung corner of the internet.

    Don’t kid yourself. The world is not interested in what British Filipino has to say. That includes you and your lorry driving chums.
  10. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

  11. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    No I don't have it wrong John because I actually listen and read, I've listened to Tim Spector I've read the articles on Zoe regularly and they are not promoting keto as the ONLY solution for everyones problems quite the contrary, you seem to be able to completely ignore that Spector's main point is that everyone is unique and that from his research it is all about the microbiome, he's explicitly not saying the ONLY solution is keto.

    I've watched THIS entire video and many others but just start from 1:46:30 for 5 minutes on this particular video or even better watch and listen to the entire damned thing for nearly 2 hours.

    A direct quote from Spector at 1:48:38 "Any diet that restricts you, I think is likely to cause long term problems".

    And how about watching this one as well, what Tim Spector eats in an average day, mostly plants and shock horror there is a sour dough bread in there too, but I didn't see any meat although he does not explicity exclude meat.

    Everyone agrees on the blood sugar control and the dangers of blood sugar spikes, but where is the "it's all about meat protein and fat only", because that's the message you are trying to promote and it sure as hell is not what Tim Spector or the Zoe study is saying.

    You are openly attacking other people's postings you are using direct ad hominem attacks against other members outside of the context of your narrow focus, don't you get it you have made your point it's up to people to read what you posted and make their own choices this ad nausem rant that you are on is completely counter productive to the message you are trying get across.

    And a personal point the people that are running this forum each have their own reasons for running it, for me I am only here because my children are filipino and out of respect for my friend Sean who passed away in 2015, I post here to chat on things I am interested in be that photography or science or travel or family issues, I have rarely ever started threads, I'm not here to beat people up and tell them that my view of the world is the one and only correct view of the world but I sure as hell have the right to comment and express my opinion yes "opinion" on any subject that happens to come up.

    I expect this forum to eventually die a death so what exactly am I kidding myself about, do you somehow think my ego is tied up in this forum, I remain anonymous for personal reasons, do I care what the world thinks about the few posts I make on here am I seeking fame or fortune through British Filipino, give me a break, this forum has a tiny footprint and is read by a very narrow audience, methinks you are projecting your motives for posting onto others and assuming they have the same agenda as yourself for some kind of validation.

    Give us all a break, there has been enough diet opinion posted for people to draw their own conclusions and to choose their own path.
  12. Druk1

    Druk1 Well-Known Member

    I had a wagyu burger in Harrods the other day :lol: Screenshot_20220805_073220.jpg
  13. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Seems like a tragic waste of very fine peice of meat :D

    I've only had wagyu once in my life long time ago in a Japanese restaurant in M. Adriatico street which thankfully is still there unlike many others in that part of town.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2022
  14. Druk1

    Druk1 Well-Known Member

    It was perfect, I could have had the kobe steak but I fancied the burger and fries with black truffle shavings, this thread was taking a bit of a wrong turn, everyone chill out, we will all be dead soon, try to be nice in life :)
    • Like Like x 1
  15. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    You do seem to have a superiority complex.
    This is very evident in the way you try to belittle everybody by indicating that we wouldn't be able to understand the ideas you put forward.
    You come across like a person who is the only member who knows the difference between right and wrong.
    People here understand and can make up our minds on the importance of health-related issues.
    There is no need to keep brow-beating members on the pros and cons of health-issues.

    You mention me and Mattecube because you know that both of us are lorry drivers.
    You once told people here that you recently worked in a warehouse to earn money.
    Nobody, as far as I know, commented in a disparaging way because of this line of work you did.
    Why should we? "Don't knock the workers" is a belief I would think many here would adhere to.
    You don't like truck drivers, that is plain to see, but we are out there on a daily basis delivering everything that the public needs, and we did this right through the Covid-19 pandemic.
    Whole families used to gather on bridges just to wave at us when there were no other vehicles on the road.
    We were held in the same regard as the NHS because, like them, we were key workers!

    The two people here on this forum who can see through you just happen to be lorry drivers.
    We don't belittle your job and I don't think the two truckers even know what that is.

    Now you are denigrating @oss and that just looks like you are lashing out at anyone who doesn't agree 100% with your beliefs.

    Over the years, you have followed the same M.O.:
    You post incessantly (under many different names) and then become disillusioned when your ideas are not accepted without question.
    Then you insult members instead of sitting back, calming down and adopting a more tolerant attitude.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2022
  16. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Firstly, you remark on my attacks but you conveniently forget or ignore the attacks made towards myself.

    Secondly, yes veganism has been growing. That isn’t good, not good for those that turn vegan. It isn’t affecting me as the less the call on available meat and dairy products the better for me. It’s simply a case of woe betide those that elect to go or remain vegan. On that note, the growth of veganism is slowing as people realise the limitations of that form of eating and dislike the awful products that are being manufactured such as the McPlant.

    Thirdly health is wealth. Some gents carrying a surplus amount of weight cannot see their wedding tackle let alone use it to good effect. Impotence is part of the very same metabolic syndrome that you claim has no significance. Yes, it’s great having a young filipina on your arm but will she take you seriously…..

    Fourthly, I have never claimed that Tim Spectre’s Zoe project is promoting Keto. Do you know what his project is promoting? Remember Tim Spectre isn’t a GP in general practise. Dr David Unwin is and it is in general practice where GPs and other HCPs are fixing peoples metabolic health with drug free remission. Watch this video. I mean watch it and take note, beginning to end. Dr David Unwin explains in terms you can surely understand, how he completely reverses people’s metabolic ill health without drugs. You seem to overlook these results to suit your blinkered train of thought. You will recall that I pointed out to you a few weeks back that things have moved on. Other GPs are mimicking the method and highly succesfully too. You can no longer dismiss it as a cult. Well, I know you might try, just as you tried to swear black was white for the last couple of years on these matters. You still can’t let go of the laws of thermodynamics. You certainly can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
    Anyhow n=117 now and that’s just in one small practise probably not far from where you live. Listen and learn Oss. Yes, you too.

    Once you have viewed the whole video, take a step back and think about the content and what it would mean to the nation if the approach was replicated. Think objectively and apply the scientific mind that you seem to aspire to, to the content. You cannot dismiss it (well I am sure you will try).

    Having watched the video and read this post. Please delete my account and the content of mine. It’s all nonsense Oss, well I say that to keep you and the truck drivers happy. In the real world it’s all working to help patients improve their lives hugely.

    Please, delete my account and it’s content. Thankyou.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Druk1

    Druk1 Well-Known Member

    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    This time round there wasn't a Markham or a Fred goading you and there really is no excuse for the kind of comments and the way you have been acting towards other members.

    Apart from Mattecube a couple of years ago carrying over a couple of minor grudges from your prior time on here and making a couple of posts that were largely driven by your contempt for the industry he worked in, no one has been attacking you.

    And in any case you are on a public forum people are going to disagree with your posts, if you post on a public forum people are going to reply that's life.

    And also you don't own what you post on a public forum it's not your content, what I post here is not my content I don't own my posts in any sense other than that the words are attributable to me and that I am responsible for any external content that I copy into a post as I could violate someone's copyright, publically accessible links don't violate copyright, unattributed copy and paste content can violate copyright.

    I've removed your lifetime status temporarily but only to prevent you vandalising posts and deleteing historic threads, just a precaution not saying that you would do that, we never delete any user's historic postings as that destroys the context of other people's posts who have participated in threads, the whole point of posting on a public forum is to make your thoughts public and the content as such is the joint work of all who participate in a thread.

    You do have a right to have a profile anonymised or removed but not the posts associated with that profile, however you are already anonymous as JohnAsh is not your real name, if you absolutely insist I will further anonymise your profile, but it seems like an extraordinarily petty reaction on your part, Sean didn't want to ever ban anyone for their opinions, and I certainly never wanted to ban anyone and I wouldn't consider banning you at this point in time but neither can I compel you to post and hardly anyone does these days anyway.

    If you don't like the replies you get don't post it's that simple, no one ever wins on any forum thread anywhere, posting is not a competition it is just participating in a public discussion and as such there is no right or wrong, at best the arguments that anyone posits might result in someone changing their mind about a topic but that relies on the strength of the argument and on the mind of the reader, and none of us deserve thanks or praise for anything we post on any forum, if a reader finds someone's posts useful it is within their gift to offer thanks, none of us have any right to expect collective grattiude from the entire audience and in this case the audience is the tiny number of people reading this forum.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2022
  19. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    He's not wrong :D although even when I couldn't see mine it still worked pretty well for a couple of decades :lol:

    And now that I can see mine perfectly well I sometimes wish I couldn't :lol: it's not as effective as once it was and it reminds me I'm getting old :lol:

    edit: he'll try to use that admission to beat me over the head with metabolic syndrome, however I'll retort that I burst a blood vessel down there about 4 years ago and had a 3 month course of folate for a vitamin deficiency around the same time, investigations in my bladder showed nothing wrong, they did full bloods at that time.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2022

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