I went into the local Tesco cafe the other day and ordered a hamburger. The girl said, "what do you want on it"? I said "a fiver each way".
I actually went and bought some Tesco burgers that night when it was all breaking news. The wife cooked them and served them in a bun etc and they were very nice. Then I sat down and watched the news about Tesco and 29% horse flesh in their burgers. I did choose Aberdeen Angus burgers so I guess they were horse meat free, but who knows eh?
Findus beef lasagne contained up to 100% horsemeat, FSA says http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21375594 Talking of horses. Richard the Third has popped his head up in the news in Leicester.
There is a level of irony that Richard the Third was found buried in Leicester as that rhyming slang was used to describe the city. On that note, I'm sure it's not too long before Eartha Kitt is found buried somewhere in Bradford.
I lived there from 1975 till 1983. I spent 3 years in Knighton near Oadby. A year in Highfields and the rest of the time in Barwell and Earl Shilton, before settling in Manchester for 22 years.
We're 18miles out of Leicester so basically only drive through some of those places to get there and drive striaght to the shires carpark. Good few asian markets though.