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Discussion in 'Rant and Rave' started by Aromulus, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    Do we need to have a military presence in such a horrible place???
    Every day or so, something dreadful happens, and even people that are supposed to be allies, turn their guns against their helpers.
    It shows utter contempt and barbarism, and deserves to be relegated to oblivion.
    Just let them kill each other, or whatever.
    This time a bunch of French soldiers copped it..........

    What ever was originally planned, hasn't worked out.
    So get the boys home alive and stop having such stupid involvement in places so far from home.

    If they want to stop terrorism from reaching us, then stop all immigration and tourists from countries which sympatize with such lost causes.
    And deport all undesirables without recourse to silly appeals and human rights loopholes...

    The whole of Europe is suffering losses because of the USA's hidden agendas, while they keep their borders well protected even from us.........

    There is no way of vetting those with ulterior motives, that want to join the army or the police.
    Because loyalties are not to their country but to their warlords.

    So S**t will continue to happen.
  2. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    I agree Dom.

    I didn't agree with us going there in the first place :frust:
  3. subseastu

    subseastu I'm Bruce Wayne Lifetime Member

    That is a very sensible thought, unfortunately I think it'll be sometime before the present goverment can clean up labours effort for an integrated multi-cultural society, on the domestic front. It was nice thought but they went too far bowing down to every minority whime and was more concerned with not upsetting everyone (apart from the indiginous population) and their human rights. As for our forces being out there I think its a no brainer to bring them back now, we have long out stayed our welcome. The trouble is with a lot of these countries is they cry out for international aid but when it arrives and we try to help its obviously very difficult as a part of whichever opulation obviously doesn't want us there. Its a very complex situation. Do you ignore these troubles in other countries or go to help them knowing the risks?
  4. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    We send billions in aid, we sacrifice our youth in the name of other countries freedom.............We are despised and hated at every turn and spat on..............

    They take our hard earned tax money, and don't even say thanks, and some of those same countries we bend over for, have a thriving nuclear arsenal pointed at us......... Among other things.....

    They should help themselves first............

    No more Visas, no more abuse and threats to our way of life.
    We have enough problems with EU immigration.

    No, my name is not Dedworth............

    But enough is enough.
    Call me Dave, bring them home now, a couple of them I know well, I don't want to go to their funerals.
  5. subseastu

    subseastu I'm Bruce Wayne Lifetime Member

    Not disagreeing with you Dom, fair points all of them. The way things are we need to look after ourselves and our alies first.
  6. ad4ms3

    ad4ms3 Member

    Once we are talking about terrorism I may suggest to search youtube what Michio Kaku is saying about it. Quite different story and makes sense... Although don't support terrorism at all.
    I think that we shouldn't talk about wars but which way the whole world is going to... Good Uncle Sam is trying to save the world from Iran's destructive power of atom, Iraq's weapon of mass destruction, murderer Kadaffi... Old polish saying says: 'If you do not know what is it about, it is always about money'.. In other words it is about usa controlling oil and gas in Middle East. Saudi Arabia's oil resources are nothing compared to Iran's natural gas resources...
    On setyoufreenews.com is an article who really controls the world... **** will continue to happen cause there is too many people in the world. Why world invests bilions in pointless wars 'against terrorism' rather than help people who really need help (eg. Africa)? We all suffer thanks to few, just few people with ties and sunglasses on who want to play war games.
    That is why I don't watch tv news controlled by goverment.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2012

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