Anyone used this resource before? I just stumbled on it tonight it gives you fantastic visa information for citizens of all countries. I was going to post in the Visa's section of the forum but none of the sub forums looked quite the right place.
It seems mostly geared to tourist visas for folk from usa canada and uk i tried philipines -portugal and it was a redirect to Portuguess Embassy
I tried Philippines to lots of places and it gave specifics but yes it does seem to imply that is is for UK US anc Canada when it does not have a specific answer.
Hmmm... can't apply for transit chinese visa (polish nationality, live in uk)? I am planning to go to Philippines through Hong Kong as it is fastest route...
I am not sure that is the fastest route, I would think you would find that the UK to Amsterdam, then Amsterdam to Manila route on KLM is pretty close to the fastest, on a good day it can be as short as 17 or so hours. Hong Kong is likely a two stop trip where Amsterdam is a one stop.
That's what it says Anthony? Actually the KLM - Manila route is no longer one stop, the flight now lands in Taiwan but you can't get off, it's to pick up extra passengers and to avoid the Philippine Common Carrier Tax.
Well, you do get off in Taiwan, well at least I did coming back. But it is only for an hour so I just had a quick visit to the loo and got a bottle of coke from a vending machine (it took visa).. They pretty much send you in a circle and yes you go back to the same flight and the same seat.
Ah ok I didn't realise that, didn't think they would let passengers off for security reasons, good to know Sean! Question did you have to get off? Or was it optional?
They have to deplane the passengers on arrival at Taipei so that it can be serviced and refuelled. KLM no longer uses any "housekeeping", catering or engineering services at Manila, that's all done at Taipei as are crew changes and refuelling. All that happens in Manila is to unload the inbound baggage and passengers and load the outbound. Prior to it deciding to cease its direct service to Amsterdam, KLM did issue warnings that if it withdrew its service, the loss to the Philippines would be substantially more than simply the CCT and GPB taxes. But the authorities weren't that interested in the loss of over 60 jobs - many of them skilled** - only the 5% tax Euros pouring into the bank. [hr] ** The joint-venture engineering company MicroAsia-Lufthansa Teknik is the only engineering company at NAIA but they are only certified to service Airbus A320-series, A330, A340 and Boeing 747. KLM employed its own team for the downline servicing of its Boeing 777s.
As Mark said.. There was no choice in whether or not to stay on board, everyone had to get off the flight. Which was a little annoying as I had wanted to stay on board..
Wonderful So you have to go into the terminal, presumably you have to take your bags and duty free too (not that I ever buy any at NAIA) and what do you do then, do you have to go straight to the departure lounge? Do you have to go through security again as well? One and a half hours on the ground is not exactly a long time
Yep. You have to take your bags and go through security again, they scan your bags again. I think this is so nobody can make a claim that whilst they left the flight something valuable left their bags..
I've done this journey so many times Anthony that I'm just shocked at all the bleedin hassle we have to go through now, I loved that old route, ever since the changes at the end of March it's been really depressing but as I say at least they still fly there.