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The Footballer...

Discussion in 'Sport Talk' started by Aromulus, May 22, 2011.

  1. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    Isn't it about time that he gives up on any attempts to cover up his mistakes...???:erm:

    We all know his name, from different sources, and I am not on Twitter at all.... So the further spending of money on a wild goose chase is silly, and petty, doesn't excuse the betrayal to his wife and kids.
    He would be more of a man if he did admit, show his shame, ask for forgiveness, and let it rest,............
    Chapter closed, keep your head down and don't do it again or the mrs will take you to the cleaners.....
    No... The silly idiot listens to posh greedy lawyers, and loses the plot completely.

    Now it is snowballing out of hand altogether....:erm:
  2. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    True. The man is an idiot, plus legally it is difficult for him as you and me have not seen these injunction papers, so we could not be held in contempt of court at all... So, all of those Twitter users tweeting his name are only guilty of gossiping and nothing more..

    But strangest for me is this footballers wife is far better looking than Imogen Thomas, so when this all does come out everyone will be there to ridicule this fool like he deserves. And she is also suddenly getting pictured in the press - preparing for when she hits the front page I think;)
  3. TheTeach

    TheTeach Le MaƮtre Senior Member

    Sorry - who is it?

  4. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    Well, it looks like as if it has blown back on his face, and deservedly so..............:oops:

    I was not aware that the scottish press was not gagged by the same order, and so the Sunday Herald did publish unchalleged...

    Some more sense coming from north of the border, as usual.

    so now, that it is all out in the public eye, i hope that the silly ass will desist in making himself look more stupid by continuing with the super injunction farce.

    And it looks like that the Newspapers website is down, or crashed with the immense amount of searches going on, on it today.

    But for your curiosity here is the link in question....
  5. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Me too Al I have no idea :erm: but Kuya cannot publish a real name here otherwise Google would index it and we would turn up in search results and our site could get into trouble. :(
  6. Micawber

    Micawber Renowned Lifetime Member

    Seems strange to me that a so called 'super injunction' is only enforceable 'locally'. So what's the point. :erm:
  7. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    Valid in England and Wales only.... :oops:

    And the daft bugger was very badly advised, :erm:
    I hope he will refuse to pay the lawyers so we can have some more fun at his expenses...:vhappy:

    Instead of settling, and face the media music for a week or so, he decided to hide..... Now it is going to be worse.
  8. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    His face will be on the front page of the Sun before the end of the week.... ;)
  9. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    There is a small mob of footballers that need putting in their places, as the role model lark,
    is obviously not working, or they aren't interested in it at all.

    What have kids got to look up to...???

    Drinking, womanizing, drug taking...??
  10. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    I dunno.. I think young boys would kick a ball around even more if they could see footballers dating models and driving BMW's:erm:
  11. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Seems that a trip to the high court today was wasted by the Sun - or was it? Personally, I think the tabloids are loving this whole saga, getting dragged out a little longer and helping to sell more papers...

    Oh Dear...
  12. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

  13. Micawber

    Micawber Renowned Lifetime Member

    Seems that an MP (Lib Dem John Hemming) named Ryan Giggs during a commons debate on privacy orders.

    He used parliamentary privilege to break the news, and was immediately rebuked by the Speaker.

    He also questioned whether it would be practical to imprison the 75,000 Twitter users who had previously named the player.
  14. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    Oh well...

    Serves him right.:like:

    The little rich rutting runt....;)

    As I already stated, if he had admitted to it immediately, there would have been little media attention, bit odf tampo from the mrs, and that was it.
    Now, after all the hu-ha, nothing will be the same for him.
    He might as well retire from football, as the fans will not give him any peace as long as he kicks a ball.
    wether it wa a sting by the News of the World, or not, it doesn't matter.
    The onus was on him to keep his trousers zipped up, and his old man in check.
    I have no patience with him at all.
    I am only sorry for his family at having all the dirty washing out in public in this manner.
  15. Micawber

    Micawber Renowned Lifetime Member

    If it was me, I'm afraid it would be worse than tampo. Really afraid. :(

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