Yes I know who you're talking about I had the same experience there, I was embarrassed to think they represent the UK
Moira Jackson was an Honorary Consul, a trade representative, not a member of the Diplomatic Corps - no "CD" badge on her car. Whilst she was empowered to assist with certain "citizen services" such as recording marriages and births which she did on behalf of the Manila Consulate, her remit did not include visa applications or citizens under arrest or imprisoned. She may have given the appearance of being brusque and disinterested but under that rather tough exterior, she was a delightful lady with a very keen sense of humour. Her husband, on the other hand, took his job of being her gatekeeper rather too seriously and could be quite unpleasant if he chose to be. Mae and I knew them socially which may have helped when Mae visited from Davao to register our first-born's birth - Moira dealt with her professionally and with kindness, inviting her for lunch afterwards. Their daughter, who was born in Cebu, was supposed to have taken over as Honorary Consul when her mother retired but the new Ambassador decided to close the Cebu Consulate - whose premises remain empty and for sale.
Looks like that was/is not the case. Also looks like these two are about to give up the ghost and shut down their channel due to pressure from Filipino and other "hate groups". YT have blocked their subs from commenting below their videos.
I know..Didn't want to spoil the fun!! lol Jokes aside..They are still under investigation and DSWD have not issued permit.
I had the same experience too, Paul, and had to tell her to show some respect to the lady next to me who was going to be my wife in the future.
Seems that posting youtube videos is not a bad little earner!! The "poor, simple living pensioner" pays cash for a brand new Ford Raptor! Not checked but I heard that those things go for about 2 Million PHP or 32,000 UKP. Didn`t he just spend 700K on that blue van and goodness knows how much on the swimming pool? Right..Who knows how ad sense on Youtube works..I`m all ears!! lol I just hope that those that contributed and visited them up on the hill in order to help the poor and homeless in Bohol do not get the wrong idea.
Bit of the green eyed monster there Boots. Go back a bit and he was a good guy in your eyes until you determined that he was probably doomed.
Ha ha.. I`m not knocking him and you don`t know what I drive! You have to look at these things with good honest context. They have just bought a Ford raptor after their "charity org" has been shut down and under investigation. According to expert lawyers,this case will be heard in an R.P court room come rain or shine. I just think that it may be a little more prudent to keep a low profile under those circumstances. Don`t you agree with that?
yeah I don't know what you drive, whatever it is it is supplied by the business you do not own I thought all of this had been dismissed, Paul will likely know more as he follows this guy, you contend that the court problems are still ongoing, I thought all that was over.
I'm happy for them. They work hard at whatever it is they're doing, (which appears to be well-intentioned) ...instead of sitting on their arses.
He isn’t keeping a low profile as we can see. The 6kUSD or thereabouts he earns each month has been put away for a rainy day. The rainy day seems to have come now. I must admit from the outside it looks a bit bad, he’s touring round in an expensive car in comparison to the majority around him but he always always stated on his videos that the actual work to make the content was going to be his living and the donations would always go to those he was helping. That has stopped of course hence why I don’t watch or never eventually met him last visit. I must mention Mitch, the Romanian Australian who’s also in Bohol. He’s trying to sell the farm (which he technically doesn’t own) as he has had enough. On one video (A Foreigner farming in the Philippines I think it was) he was complaining of his livestock and tilapia going for a walk/swim courtesy of the locals. Quite a forthright attitude that really doesn’t fit in the Philippines IMO.
One of the reasons I didn't start my own fish farm years ago. My (first) Mrs, said everything would be stolen unless an armed guard was posted. It's a third world country full of poor and often quietly desperate people, behind the smiles. NOT the UK or the US .
Not necessarily..We may not be able to own land BUT..We can own cars!! In regards the legal situation of this matter,may I refer you to someone that as an advanced legal student,knows far more than I..Do with that info. what you may!
I`d say he spent a LOT of money trying to set up that farm. One of the toughest ways to try and make a living here. That said,I am very tempted to drive up and buy 10 kilo`s of his smoked ham and sausages if the price is right. I must say,his produce looks very good.