More and more people are getting sexually harassed whilst using public transport, see the article below; The reason the news article caught my eye is because my wife had an incident a few weeks back whilst traveling home from work on the bus. A chap dressed scruffily got on the bus and sat next to my wife even though there was plenty of seating available (red flag right there), He started to push his elbows into my wife and appeared to be knocking one out through his pockets in his jogging pants. My wife eventually alighted from her seat and went to sit elsewhere on the bus. Although it shook her up a bit she has come to terms with it. She didn't know what to do after the incident and never reported it like 90% of other women who are harassed on public transport. I have told her that if anything like that ever happens again to report the incident to the driver as there will probably be CCTV on the bus that could be used as evidence in an incident like this. I also told her to ring me if I'm home as I always wait for her at the bus stop, I could then get on the bus and dish out my form of justice as in giving the chap a kiss he probably wouldn't forget, as in a Glaswegian one
There are a lot of perverts about for sure, probably picked on the missus because of her foreign looks I don't know. Since arriving in the UK the missus has encountered racial abuse from some kids and now this, I try to play it down a little as not to worry her too much.
Thats not good but unfortunately it does seem to be on the up with the daily mail/express, Jeremy kyle, its the immigrants fault, brigade. My wife hasn't has any racial abuse yet in about 12 yrs in the UK thankfully but we live in a small town and she's not really exposed to public transport or cities etc when I'm not there so that probably why. She has has some sexual type stuff from the aforementioned types in white vans, the (unfortunately) usual wolf whistle's and suggestions which pisses me off, but in an old school way I'm afraid to say a small part of me likes the idea that other men find my wife attractive and they can't have her.
You have to be careful nowdays on buses has its happening a few times, i would have got up and moved to another seat and then if he followed me, i would have just got up and gone to the driver, i am meaning if i was the lady, has now my looks have gone and never get no offers anymore .
in the Philippines sexual harassment is much worse than it is here. They are always moaning about the frequency of it on jeepneys and trycycles.
Well, as most people have cameras on their phones... perhaps they can use them for something useful for a change.
women in the Philippines have to deal with this sort of thing much more than in the UK. They are always complaining about getting groped on jeepneys and trikes. Even just some git passing by on a crowded street. although the UK is quite a crowded country (3rd highest in Europe after the Netherlands and Belgium), the Philippines is an even more crowded country with a higher population density and in Proxemics terms, it is also culturally different and people give and take much less space.
Yeah while we are on the subject off sexual harrasment While in ASDA packing shopping into the car you may be approached by two very fit looking 18 year old Eastern European girls in tight tiny tops. They wash your windscreen with their boobs pressed against the glass and then ask for a lift to the next Supermarket as payment. During the journey they strip down to perform oral to each other on the back seat. One of the girls will then jump into the front seat and 'pleasure you' while the other attempts to steal your wallet. I had mine stolen last Thursday, Friday, Saturday and twice on Sunday ....... SO BE CAREFUL PS: You can buy wallets for 99p in PoundStretchers