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South Korea's 5G Service That Can Download Movies In A Second

Discussion in 'Technology Advice' started by Kuya, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Well, I've not even got 4g yet (technically, I've subscribed to 4g with an iPhone 5s but I've given that to the missus and I'm rocking a 3g iPhone 5) and South Korea are making plans to launch 5G... :geek:

    Apparently this new tech can download an 800mb file IN A SECOND!

    The mind boggles with that kind of speed, but I for one would love that kind of speed coming to and from my phone. But if it means South Korea won't get it until 2017, we might just have it for 2025.... o_O
  2. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Bring it on.

    We haven't yet got 4G here yet, BTW. This year some time I believe.
  3. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    The works cellphone has been on 4G with EE for about 6 months, I get a 2GB monthly allowance so I stopped buying 3G SIM's for my laptop for use when I am not at home, now I just set the phone up as a wifi internet sharing device and use its bandwidth.

    I get over 20MB downstream and 5MB upstream, for me that is more than enough :)

    Far better than my home broadband, although for other reasons we are cancelling the EE contract and moving to voda and that will stuff me as although they will give us 6GB a month allowance there is no way to use it as we have no 4G from voda here in this location. EE are bad for phones in cars, apparently they don't do a good job switching cells on the motorway and our field guys were moaning all the time, however I can vouch for their superb 4G system.
  4. walesrob

    walesrob Administrator Staff Member

    Luxury! We're still on 2G here, and some parts of the Ceredigion, theres no signal at all. 4G is a distant dream for us.
  5. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    It will be a long time coming investment requires return the existing and upcoming 4G infrastructure needs paying for and that will take time 5G will happen one day but not before we have spent a lot of time paying significant amounts for a 2GB monthly allowance, 2.5 seconds worth if we were downloading at 800MB a second :)
  6. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    I was told by EE that the 4G infrastructure in the UK was essentially in place....just a case of going around the country and sort of switching it on (almost)
  7. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Yeah that is true for EE and they more or less have done exactly that, but the other carriers will be struggling for a while to do the required engineering to complete their networks, EE runs 4G on spectrum it already owned and presumably had some hardware for, the upgrades would have been simpler for them.

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