True to form, once again, we had a bit of a gathering with music and Filipino food with friends, on occasion of the Sinulog Festival. We got a couple of Sto Nino de Cebu images, staying over for the customary week and then they will be dropped back to their own households. My wife was up early to get a huge slab of belly pork into the oven, to make sure the "chicharron" was perfectly crispy for the guests. Lumpia galore, Toron. A bucket of fresh rice, Filipino rice cakes, a mixed Filipino salad with finely chopped crispy belly pork bits, fruit galore and chocolate cake. For my part I indulged in making my signature "Pancit Canton" and some Italian style chicken breast "Cacciatora" with a tangy tomato sauce made with fresh tomatoes. The room was decorated with ballons on the ceiling, home made bunting (gratefully devised by the wife of one of our ex admins), although the karaoke was ready to be used by all and sundry, we were too busy nattering and eating to burst into song, even he little ones weren't too bothered. Admittedly, The Sinulog music blaring from a video channel on U'chub was a bit repetitive and extremely noisy at times. Anyway, pity that a couple of other people could not attend because of work, nevertheless it turned out into a good afternoon once again. Loads of food left over, despite the overflowing "plastics"....