Hi, I am British man who has been to a Filippina woman for 3 years. My wife and I have 2 children. Sadly she has accused me of abuse and claims she has brought charges against me which resulted in me leaving the country in a hurry. I am back in the UK but i miss my wife and children. I would love to go back to the Philippines but I need to find out if my wife has actually filled charges against me because it would lead to my arrest were I to return. It should be said that the charges against me are spurious. Does anyone know how I can discover whether these charge have actually been filed?
Fred..Don`t go back under any circumstance until you know for sure about any charges made against you by her.. Do not trust your wife AT ALL until you have these facts.. Do not trust her EVER AGAIN if you find out that what she reportedly did to you was true. Do you know anyone in the R.P that can check out if these charges were made in the local courts or not? Normally the first place to check is the local Police station blotter..
Sorry to hear that Fred - as I understand it (from my wife) it is quite easy for anyone to make a case against (me) to the local barangay captain basically stating I'm a bit of a trouble maker and therefore shouldn't have my visa renewed etc... Where is your wife located ?
It's at times like this that it pays us (foreigners/ALIENS) to remember that the Phils is NOT a friendly environment for us , despite all the smiling faces. Tread carefully, and always stay 'below the radar' . We have ZERO rights... except to empty our wallets.
not sure this will help but makes interesting reading https://www.osi.com.ph/philippines-criminal-records-checks/
Sorry to hear this. But is it true that you abused her? She can't make a blotter (or file a case in the barangay) unless she has proof. If you really didn't, then that blotter is just a threat.
I can't believe this. Are you kidding? https://www.seattletimes.com/seattl...-years-in-philippines-jail-acquitted-of-rape/ Scott McMahon spent five years in jail, including four years just waiting for a trial to start, based on the flimsy say-so of a single individual who themselves spent years trying to extort money from him while he was incarcerated in exchange for dropping the false allegations. based on the say-so of a single individual, and with no 'proof' or actual evidence at all, McMahon was in jail for the longest period of time without a trial, of any American citizen anywhere in the world, that anybody in the State Department could remember or had ever heard of.
I dont think it is our place to ask if there was abuse or not! The OP asked for a view on trying to find out if accusations had been made against him.
Sad to hear this. You are bit of a loop - how do you fix this problem since you are away and how can you trust her with the threat of arrest? Are you still speaking to her or the kids via the internet or phone? Find out if there was charge made to you maybe by a trusted friend or an investigator or a lawyer. Second, is she wants to meet up with you, can you meet your wife (and kids) in south east asia? At least its not in ph plus you can sort your problem by speaking to her.
if that's the case, without proof she can't file a blotter/case. As Maley mentioned, if you have a trusted friend there, you can ask him/her to check.
Agreed. If he can confide in someone or has a trusted person who can confirm it to be true or not before he possibly returns, assuming he evaluates the risks entailed in that.
You are very naive about how the system works here..I have no problem about that BTW.. The issue I have is that you are giving someone advice that could effect them for perhaps many years in a detrimental way.. If that happened,I wonder what your advice to him would be then?
@Fred , I'm sorry to hear of your problem .I have no relevant advice that I can offer you , other to listen to the advice of someone like @Bootsonground who has a wealth of experience to draw on . Good luck .
cases proceed that are just based on one-word-against-the-other all the time. There doesn't have to be any 'proof' for charges to be laid at all and not just in the Scott McMahon case I linked above, where he ended up in jail for 5 years when somebody just made something up. Plenty of foreigners have spent time in Philippines jails, just on somebody's say-so and not on anything else. I've been threatened by text message with an intention to allege rape and a demand for money a couple of times by people who I have never even met. They just got my phone number from somewhere, and knowing I was a foreigner, they tried a 'pay me 5000 or I'll go to the cops and tell them you raped me' angle. They really think they can do it as easily as that.