UK special flights On Tuesday 28 April 2020, the UK will operate special flights from Iloilo, Tacloban and Davao to Manila, and coaches across mainland Luzon. These operate before a special flight from Manila to London for British tourists, short term visitors and their direct dependants to return to the UK. the cost of the journey is £800 per person to be eligible for this flight, you must be normally resident in the UK. Eligibility will be checked before tickets are issued
Gov site regarding returning from Philippines
Some have said you are better off staying through Covid 19 in the Philippines than returning to the U.K.
I feel safer here, But it is strict and seniors still not allowed out (officially) But I go out but not allowed inside Robinson's mall. Went up to Valencia market today (Sunday) Very pleasant there every one had to wear face mask. Wife grows plants and sells them to the stalls in the market. It's not really a market more like stalls side of the park but very relaxing. I went for a coffee while she sold her plants so I had to take my mask off to drink. A police patrol came by looking for folk without mask on, I scrambled to put mine on so did the other guys enjoying their coffee.
Small desert island off palawan maybe, manila however doesn't sound so appealing. Given the option at the moment I would rather be in Canada.