Wife loves this kind of crap... As I understand it the Peter Maxwell dragged his then gf along the way or something when he was drunk... he then took up with someone else... The ex-gf knew he'd lost his passport and overstayed and no doubt wanted to get her own back. So she shopped him to the BI... He's now on his way to Manila and going to be detained (no doubt at BI-Bicutan - one of the worst places on earth) until his criminal case is resolved... probably deported and blacklisted too. As I mentioned, only last month, in a previous post - Whatever you do, don't overstay... Probably worth reminding people that violence towards women may be acceptable in Australia and treated with a slap on the wrist by the Police... But it's definitely a no no here - especially if it's done by a foreigner and in public - I can easily imagine that guy being killed by the family for having done what he's done to the girl.
Some ignorant and arrogant people, easily forget that when in a different country from their own, they are to be seen to behave and look as ambassadors of their country and culture. And not as utter drunken morons. But then..... If one looses his passport, why not applying for a new one in good time?? Why hit a woman? Vile person.
You're right, Dom, and also best to remember a phrase that refers to your wonderful country and should be thought of by everyone, everywhere: "When in Rome, do as the romans do"
I was going to agree but, as always, it doesn't quite work like that here! As a foreigner, you really do have to play the white man here... meaning there are plenty of things Filipinos can and do, do to each other which would be frowned upon if a foreigner did them.
I should probably point out I got my facts a little wrong - the girl friend didn't report him to the BI it was the reporter she talked to that did that Christ... after a night in Bicutan... I bet he wishes he'd sorted his visa out now - the BI didn't even let him takes his shoes!
Yes John, there may be nuances in the Philippines, and as you live there you will know about the customs there, but generally speaking that phrase should be important for all travellers. Maxwell did not observe the obvious fact that mistreating a Filipina is a no-no.