We all have to be careful about scammers, they are everywhere. They are scum of the earth and have found ways to get money from unsuspecting people without leaving internet cafes in Lagos or Manila or London or or or...... Stay optimistic iHeartJa
All it needed was a quick phone call to the scammer, I established he was West African within a second or two not English as he had claimed, I pretended it was a wrong number call, I said I was looking for a John but he isn't African so I have got the wrong number, he had the cheek to say that he was John, what a dick, I expect he has so many alias's that he has forgotten his own name. These people have no shame they are scum.
These people have no shame they are scum. yep--and one good hit and it will feed their family for a year. i'm forever getting facebook friend requests from billy bellend or gloria thump.
Hi Dave Mike, I think miss "iHeartJa" is in the Philippines so you may have to start looking at online deals for flights
Unlikely you will find a Filipina in the UK Dave Mike but you never know. I see you live in Mablethorpe, a Filipina would love it there for sure.
I think this sort of forum is more likely to produce a genuine person for you. You just need patience, as there aren't so many unattached people. But of course, we all have friends and relations. . Oh, and if a guy can't show his face on a webcam pretty quickly...forget him. Also, if he can't be bothered to get on a plane and come to see you, say within the first year of corresponding. ...how serious is he ? It's not that expensive for us, or so difficult to get time off IF the relationship really matters.
I think the issues are complex to say the least, I am the only one I know of who almost got a referral from a member (and that was before this forum) lol The ladies who we have known for some years on here have a similar problem in that they cant recommend new single guys who have joined here to family and friends its all a big unknown leap in the dark. The guys who cant afford a couple of weeks/months in the Fils or who are to lazy will be just as vulnerable as the ladies in the online dating game chatting on line for half a year doesnt sort the wheat from the chaff either as I can vouch from personal experience .
Well, I was just trying to put a positive spin on it. In the end we all have to use our common sense...assuming we have some.