Paedos are all over, they seem to have organised themselves to hire their own kids snatchers. One of those, a woman, was apprehended and interrogated, and I was shocked reading the article. My thought soon went to think of Ella May Pique, and her alleged kidnappers ..... Are they really as innocent as they want us to believe? So, folks, if you have kids, keep an eye on them
Best wait for Markham to comment on this particular case..From memory,these two were setup like kippers and the wife held in remand..She was released due to zero evidence. The Brit did the right thing and got the hell out of dodge. The first couple arrested and paraded in the press were also innocent..They were lucky that the hotel they were staying in had CCTV footage of them in the lobby at the approx time of murder.. Without that tape,I reckon they would be in a cell right now. Why the hell this case is being dragged up again I have no idea. From memory many people suspected the Filipino Father of this kid. For those interested in the history of this BUNGLED case and the set up check out this thread..
Lady kidnapper squeals more alarming details on child-kidnapping modus Read more:
The chap is a member here Dom, although I don't remember the username. And I agree with Boots, they were a convenient scapegoat for an incompetent police force.
Interesting.. I`d like to see him post..Perhaps he did and I missed it.. Very little in MSM about the horrors and upset this whole episode must have caused him. The whole episode is an absolute disgrace and the Philippine Police should be made to be be completely embarrassed and ashamed in regards this matter. Forget main stream media..They are all linked in with the same B.S. and they continue to print lies with zero conscience about how they #@#! up peoples lives. About the best we can hope for is that we are never targeted in a similar way.. If we were,who would believe our side of the story anyway?
I think he only PM'd a couple of folk Sean being one of them he joined in part due to Kevin's plight, and I think we promised not to reveal who he was behind the username but to be honest I forget the username now.
Yes he is a member but neither he nor I are at liberty to discuss the case in any greater detail than is already in the public domain as there are on-going legal battles including against the state prosecutors and CPPO, among others, over the Interpol Red Notice they have been refusing to withdraw. That Red Notice makes it impossible for him to step outside the UK.
My friends on a red-notice here in the UK after being deported here from the Philippines,he cant leave the country for fear of arrest.