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ILR update

Discussion in 'UK Visa and Immigration Help' started by florgeW, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. florgeW

    florgeW Lady Mod Senior Member

    Hi everyone! I think it best to update my ILR application, as you all know that I was hoping it would arrive before we were to go on holiday. UKBA wasn't quick enough so we cancelled our holiday but my in-laws went to the Philippines as planned, to meet my family.

    Anyway, it has finally arrived! It arrived on the day my in-laws were due back from Pinas! I can't help but laugh regarding this "twist of fate".

    So it took them exactly 4 months to do everything. So it is safe to say that 4 months is the average turn-around time for ILR. Just a question though, my ILR card said that ILR is valid until 5 April 2022. Didn't know that there's a 10 year time limit for ILR? I thought its Indefinite so there shouldn't be a fixed period else it defeats the purpose of the term indefinite. Is this a new regulation or I believed it to be otherwise?
  2. Balot

    Balot Active Member Lifetime Member

    well done florge and congratulation:like:
    oh thats intriguing ILR has limit?? im waiting for a further reply here
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2012
  3. Balot

    Balot Active Member Lifetime Member

    thats confusing florge possible that Biometric Residence Permit for those with ILR will expire either after 5 years or 10 years (more normal). and if you are still on ILR (e.g. you haven't been naturalised), then you must get it renewed. This is in line with requirements for UK passport and driving licence photocard. not sure but i cant think of any more reasons am confuse too lolz
  4. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Well, congratulations Florge.

    Though I doubt you will get to the expiry date of your ILR, but will have citizenship by then.. Never known of an expiry though :erm:
  5. florgeW

    florgeW Lady Mod Senior Member

    well, it says in the card.. I have seen an ILR card before.. from one of our students at work.. doesn't have an expiry date.. but mine has.. maybe Balot was right.. that I would have to renew the card should I am not a citizen yet by that time? hmmmm... strange
  6. Micawber

    Micawber Renowned Lifetime Member

    Congratulations florgeW, you did it !!:like:
    I think 4months is just about average or perhaps just slightly above average wait time. Too long in my opinion, especially considered the dizzy levels of the fee.

    As you've probably guessed, you no longer get that whole page ILR vignette in your passport, but rather that shiny new ID card containing the necessary info. You will need to present both card and passport whenever you enter UK until such time that you may have a British Passport.
    That card has an expiry date for renewal (just as a passport needs renewal)
    Anyway hopefully you will have your own British Passport before expiry of the card.

    ILR means just that, Indefinite and unrestricted stay in UK.
    Well except in the case that you might leave and stay outside of UK for more than 2 years. In which case technically your ILR is no longer valid. Don't even go there!!!
  7. florgeW

    florgeW Lady Mod Senior Member

    after spending that much? I won't leave UK for a pretty long time.. just for holidays though.. now it's time to save up for the citizenship.. one last hurdle
  8. Micawber

    Micawber Renowned Lifetime Member

    Yes, and not an insignificant amount needed :erm:

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