Why don't they f*** off back to where they came from...??? I am appalled that the police did not arrest anyone in respect of this sick example of blatant incitement to hatred. If it had been one of us yelling at them, the coppers would have swarmed on us like angry wasps. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3222753/Sick-protesters-torch-poppy.html
Ahh, but Dom. These people see the whole world as belonging to Allah and it is their obligation to spread the good word... And if that means killing a few Kaffir then they see no problem with it. Seriously, Abu Hamza is on film lecturing that none Muslims are like cattle and can be enslaved and sold at a market! This is what happens when people with poor IQs take the word of an illiterate Iron age trader as the ultimate truth.
I changed jobs recently and now work for a company that prints alot of Islamic newsletters and such. Reading them disgusts me and if only the do-gooders had any idea of what they really discuss. When I hear people say that its only the minority that are trouble it makes me sick. I can assure you that its the minority that are ok, not the other way round. All the " we need a multi-cultural society" boneheads should shut up and let this country be THIS country. They come here cos their country is crap, and its crap cos its islamic. Obvious really, why come here if an islamic state is so perfect? Like I said before, I regularly work with islamic brochures/newsletters and its backward to say the least, especially if you`re a woman. In my eyes everyone is welcome here but it makes me sick listening to people bite the hand that feeds......dont change my country, accept it or go.
Here goes my rant!!!!! Well, Dom I think a lot of Muslims actually want a nuclear attack on Mecca! Why? Because they actually believe that Allah would never allow such an attack and his "shield" would bring about a mass conversion to Islam.. (I had this discussion with a Muslim who almost orgasmed when we talked about a nuclear strike upon Mecca). Now, as an Atheist I have the delight in looking at all religions with a different perspective than other people of different religious percussions. As an example, some Christians hold that Islam is the religion of Satan and Mohammad was the Anti Christ (seriously). I hold the view that Mohammad was a clever trader who could talk the hind legs off of a donkey! He convinced a rich woman to marry him after being her most successful trader (so we know he could sell "stuff"). Then after what appears to be an epileptic fit he believed to have seen the Angel Gabriel, this angel then told him to read (though still illiterate he could not and never did - hardly a miracle). It is known today that people who suffer with epilepsy can have "visions" whilst in their state! Also, there is nothing in the Koran (Yes, NOTHING) that was not already in the Bible and the Jewish texts, a poor plagiarism and taken to heart by stupefied peasants in the Arabian peninsula. He was also a Warlord who beheaded captured men and boys, taking the women to be sex slaves. Yet we are told he was the perfect man! And here is the problem. If we held Genghis Khan up on a pedestal and declared him the perfect man, imagine the world we would be living in today? Yet so many people from around the world hold this man to be not just a prophet, but the perfect example of humanity.. I hope that most Muslims differ from the Islamist or Islamist sympathizers, and I hope Chryss is wrong. However, even the so called moderate Muslims will tell you that Homosexuality is wrong, dating is wrong (you must arrange a marriage and then work on it upon the contract), women should be covered at all times (the then grand Mufti of Australia said the rape victims of a Muslim gang rape squad had dressed in a way to warrant it) Here is Europe, a homeless man was beaten by a father and son for drinking alcohol during ramadan. New council tenants in an area of Luton were told to move out of the area as it was a Muslim area and not for Kaffirs (it is in this part of Luton that gave birth to the EDL). And I could go on, and on.... There is also a backlash of similar proportions. A masked hoodie threw a make shift firebomb into a Mosque and set fire to a library area in Luton. Muslim women have been attacked for being Muslim. I used to remember as a child some local hooligans used to throw fireworks into an old Mosque in Old Trafford (they enjoyed the chase).. Both sides can find grievances! And I do have a problem with "Multiculturalism"..... I have another name for it, Apartheid! In this country, our liberal leaders have been falling over themselves to treat Muslims all as one group of people (instead of individuals) and have been giving far too much respect to the views of bigoted old men because they hold the title "Imam". We have given these men money to build "community spaces" and in doing so we have strengthened their hold on these communities where people are cut off from society at large. We produce signs and leaflets for Government departments in Urdu or Bengali or whatever, we do not expect people to learn the language of the land - then, because they cannot speak English we let them languish in a life on benefits as they are simply unfit to work. We allow men to enforce the burqa on their wives and daughters, then refuse to talk about the issue because doing so makes us "racist" or "culturally insensitive". We allow Sharia courts and uphold them as legally binding, despite the "judges" of these courts passing wife beatings and rape as part of a normal marriage.. This is what is wrong with the system we call Multiculturalism, it is an apartheid enforced by years of successive government agendas. This came about in the 1980's after the race riots and reached its peak under the previous government. I think real Multiculturalism is what other communities in the UK practice. The Chinese still have their cultural norms and still have a separate identity, yet they have (for the most part) integrated. So have Polish people (the previous wave in the previous decades) and I suspect the current wave of Polish immigrants will (in time) become part of the community like everyone else. These communities never asked for special dispensation after arriving in this country. All they wanted was equality and the respect that they deserve! They added to this community of ours through their hard work and provided new ideas, new foods, music, fashion etc.. Real Multiculturalism HAS provided a much welcome diversity to the country as a whole, I am thankful I can eat a Curry, Swet and Sour, Pizza or whatever.. The mixed musical styles have influenced modern music from the world of pop to the music of our classical artists. I live in Manchester and I have a wonderful and varied city, full of different sights, sounds, smells and a mix of people as diverse as it could possibly be. I want to have children in a few years who will be mixed race (part Filipino), I want them to learn about the culture of the Philippines, learn about my family who came from Ireland. I want them to discover the differences and the similarities we all share as a society that is made up from an ethnically diverse group of people - who share common values! Common values do not erode cultural identity! We should all share a common sense of decency, equality for all, personal responsibility and the respect for every man, woman and child we encounter.. We should expect this and nothing less! People who hold women as inferior should be met with resistance for their views, not acceptance. To accept views that go against our society is to strengthen them.. We should prosecute parents who mutilate the genitals of their baby daughter, have them charged with child abuse and face the consequences. We should expect a passable level of English for anyone who lives here, so that they will not have barriers stopping them from working or from following an academic route. I could go on and on with how I think we are going wrong, but to do so would keep me here all night writing a book Muslims are not the problem! We are!!! the fact that we allow any group to be separate from the society as a whole and let politicians keep this status quo is why we have so many problems with society. Groups like the EDL represent a backward thinking ideology as much as the bigoted Imams, and we need to drop the politically correct BS and start a process where we treat people as simply people. If a group of Muslims stand about in London citing death to anyone, haul their a$$ into a jail cell and deal with them through the courts. As we would do if it was a bunch of animal rights activists, IRA sympathizers or whoever.. One law for all and one society, no outsiders!
all i can say is, this country (and its laws and the people implementing it) is a bit soft.... i mean, giving a warning to someone possessing drugs.. what kind of punishment is that???!!!! same with this one too... i'll be surprised if anyone gets persecuted for this....
... but then again, what crime has been committed by this act??? i am not familiar with the laws here in UK but in Pinas, if you have no apporved license to strike/demonstrate/rally, you will be arrested.... if burning a poppy is a crime, i guess the police should arrest them... this reminded me that boy who pissed on the poppies... was he jailed for it? i forgot...
To your first point Florge we all are involved in altering our bodies chemical balance to feel different regardless of if this is through coffee , monosodium glutamate or smoking a joint when Im working on big events 2/3rds of the audience is on something and the rest on alchohol which is in my view much more dangerous ,no-one who was "stoned" on cannabis ever gave any problems unlike "the booze crew" It is my position that our bodies and what we do with them are our personal responcability but the entrenched nanny state either wants to make money out of tax or criminalise us and get revenues that way In the Phils if you risk a life sentence for drugs in appaling conditions it is no suprise if people will kill and use guns to prevent capture in addition the potential for corrupt practices are huge On your second point the UK has long been comfortable with its freedom of speech and doesnt need to legislate to protect its flag etc these guys who are protesting are extremists who want publicity for there crazed position and we are giving it to them ,ignoring them like the dysfuncional kids they are and feeling sad that they are so damaged would in my view be more appropriate I dont think we should move in the direction of prohibitions of protest but just laugh at the crazys and of course if they break the law of racial hatred etc prosecute and treat them in one of our fine mental institutions
"Moderate Muslims"............. I am sorry but there is no such thing, it is something that our leaders want to believe at all costs, and usually swallow this bait hook line and sinker, everytime it is offered to them. The whole inception and existence of Islam is to subjugate the world to their teachings, rightly or wrongly, wether it takes 100 years or 1000. The demographics speak for themselves, whereas the European white indigenous population is in some way settled in numbers, with hardly any increases due to family planning and such, the Muslim population in Europe is growing, not just by unchecked immigration, but by increased birth levels, and thanks to "our" western medical advances, less deaths. And due to the tribal nature of such a neanderthalian creed, they love to keep to themselves and not integrate at all, giving a start to the "them and us" attitude which normally splits communities and creates hatred. I don't believe for one minute that in this country there are communities living side by side in harmony, resentment is there, envy is present, hate will surface sooner or later. For the past few years, this country leadership has been suffering under what I call " Chamberlain syndrome"... Always ready to appease the bad and recognised evil for a chimera of an easier life.... Sorry but it isn't going to happen. I fell over laughing a couple of days ago, when someone was telling jokes about white flag associatons to Italian and French countries.... I have news.... Italy and France have long been active in dealing with the problems created by islamification in those countries, or illegal immigrants, wether christians or otherwise. The swiss felt threatened by the upsurge of muslims in their country, so they banned the building of new minarets.. Big noise at first... All gone quiet now... Germany has been waking up to it lately.... And they will come up with some kind of legislation to redress the problem posed by turkish immigrants that never went back home after their contract expired.... So it seems that the joke is on Britain now, and the leadership has been buying the white flags from the French and Italians.... I welcome diversity, I love diversity in a country... But it must be a level playing field... Everyone equal.
Well... I am starting to feel very uncomfortable with having to share the town I live in, or the country, even the continent with people that are so backward in their beliefs that allow such things as this to take place. This and events like this, are a clear slap in the face of civilization as we know it. A On the other hand, people like me and you would be in serious trouble with the law, if we even shout our disgust at their antics. P.S. Forgot to add some scousers to this list.....:amen:
@Keith.. It is never a problem with freedom of speech for these people. They just don't preach hatred, they teach that killing the enemy is rewarded in heaven - and they hold it to be truer than anything else...