i deliberately set a high voluntary excess--to bring the premiums down--but now i find it makes virtually no difference
I usually do the same, in the unlikely event I am burgled I will accept the risk of some loss, but if the place burned down I want enough compensation to get myself set back up properly, so a decent amount of cover with a fairly high excess in order to get the lowest premium.
Yup... my place was 999yr leasehold so the buildings were probably covered by the owner of the leasehold - so the contents on top were probably not significant.
£61/year? I am paying £252/year in all .Am i ripped off by RBHI? £1M coverage for building,£2500 for jewelries
RBHI? Royal Bank Home Insurance? I think you mean for Buildings and Contents, not sure if that is a good price for buildings insurance these days been a long time since I had buildings insurance and that was in Scotland. Bigmac is quoting a Contents only price, you can buy the two insurances separately. I have special cover for my photography items worth up to £2000 per item my contents insurance is under £80 a year.
I was with LV= for 2020 at something like £120 a year, last year I switched to the Insurance offered by my new bank Nationwide at about £76, this year I did a check of the market again and am now back with LV= for just £59, Nationwide wanted about £97 so the saving was too large to ignore.
i was with LV paying around £60...then i hit them with a water damage claim for 18 grand which they paid up straight away no quibble. Then the premium doubled next year--so i switched .
Yeah the reason I like LV= is that they are actually a good insurer and stand by their policies and don't try an weasel out when a claim is required. I've never ever claimed on home insurance ever.
That's a lot less than mine.It's my 3rd year steady coverage with RBHI .Need to change for next year's coverage for it will go up by then