Is it possible to have a current application forms section along with associated guide notes and suitable headings? Might stop potential application errors etc
I think it is too big a responsibility to put on the forum, it is up to each individual applicant to ensure they are using the correct forms for their specific application. A quick peruse of the Government website before applying should do the trick
It seems to me that there are a lot of newbies posting, but not much longer. Could the problem be a complicated web site? I don't understand why there are lots of forums, why not just one to cover everything? Now, if we want to find out if there has been a new post, we have to search through all the forums
Am I missing something here? All I do is go to the home page then click new posts. I then read anything that interests me and ignore the posts that don't. If it's a subject that's of great interest then I'll put a watch on the thread and get alerts if anything new has been added. Personally I think the site works well. forgive me if I'm missing the point.
Every forum of any size on the whole planet will have a home page with sections each having a heading inside those sections there will be main topic headings, and inside those you will have forums and sub-forums, the shortcut here is to view new posts that shows you posts on each individual sub forum and topic all in one place. Try clicking home and scrolling down the page and you will see what I mean.
I think its more the nature of the subject matter that we deal in. We have quite a few users who ask a number of rapid-fire questions over a short period (ie leading up to their visa application). Once they are satisfied by the help of longer term more experienced members they sorta disappear then surprisingly (not) some of them then reappear 2.5 years later (ie second visa application) asking for help. Thankfully we have long termers who provide that assistance and even more longer termers who talk about philippines ( or other subjects for that matter) in more general terms.
Just the nature of people in general I think tbh. Some people get what they want and go (may come back again 2.5 years later) never to be heard of again. Some will come here and help (not very often this). Some that come here get help that they need, acknowledge the efforts of those who helped them and they themselves help others, (generally for short periods) and then people like yourself, come here, get help, then help others for years. And we get the long timers who don't contribute so much to the daily visa requests per se but offer more general advice (UK - Philippines related) I'm not sure what we could do to encourage more contributors or even people to stay
most people lead busy lives--unlike me. when i'm home--i leave my puter on--with this site and a few others ( not related ) running... i know one very active member who got fed up with replying to the same old same old questions all the time...but i do hope he comes back-again. it was a very good idea to move the political threads to a closed section--i'm not interested in it--and i'm sure the arguments that resulted must have put a few right off.
Yep indeed. A small number are commited to assisting and those same people as you say, get to a point where they feel theyve done enough or things change in life and move on also. Ultimately the forum survives because of that transfer of knowledge Im not interested in politics either and some think hiding the politics was long overdue whilst others thought it should have stayed on the open forum.