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FLR M form question, need advice please

Discussion in 'UK Visa and Immigration Help' started by Iainchelle, Nov 20, 2019.

  1. Iainchelle

    Iainchelle Active Member

    Hi Good evening...
    i fill up FLRM form i mean just a fake one to see how it is.

    so there’s a question regarding your husband kids in the past. just to let you know guys they live with the mother.

    and now in the online form asking for
    - proof of address if kids live with the mother (husband ex girlfriend ) such as utility bills
    - my step kids birth certificate
    - court access documents
    -evidence of me that have contact with step kids like dated letter from the mother with a copy of identity document like passport.

    so here’s our problem my husband ex girlfriend wont cooperate regarding this matter specially for my application. cause she still jealous of me.
    they are not that good friends, and my husband just messaging her when he pick up the kids to her home every forthnight that’s why we know the address, and when sending money for child maintenance. that’s the arrangement.

    my question what if we can’t provide those documents of my step kids and i will stick tick the box (cause it won’t let me skip to the next question) and just explain to our cover letter? im worried this will affect my application. :(

    PS i’d like to upload the screenshot it says file is too large. so i just explained as best as i can. thank you.
  2. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    how old are his kids ?
  3. Iainchelle

    Iainchelle Active Member

    my husband kids age 8 and 5... any advice bigmac please.
  4. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    What information did you provide for your spouse visa? As you are on applying for FLRM whatever you provided must of been ok first time around,can you provide it again
    Proof of address, if your hubby sends money,does he send it by post? if so do a couple of recorded deliveries to the address and request confirmation of signature!
    Has your hubby any court papers stating child name and address?if so use these.
    See if you can apply for copies of birth certificates
    https://www.recordofficeuk.co.uk/birth_certificates/m_copy-birth-certificates.asp?ve helpsgclid=Cj0KCQiA5dPuBRCrARIsAJL7oegNvq4PIk5Cu1Iwcq_3qwptf1xM_apO2NYYM4e7fafVxgr2V5VyXfIaAhDgEALw_wcB
    As you say, if the girlfriend wont provide the information so explain it in notes afterwards. When we applied for my wifes second visa because she has a dependent daughter over here they asked for the girls fathers birth certificate which we were unable to supply so we just explained that the the family of her father (deceased )had his BC and there was no contact with them (wse were able to supply the death certificate) we were successful in the application
    Hope the above helps
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  5. Iainchelle

    Iainchelle Active Member

    hi mattecube, my husband send money directly to the mother’s bank account, also he doesn’t have any court documents as no court involve between him and the mother. my husband said he will still try ask the mother for
    -birth certificate,
    -passport of the kids,
    -and dated letter stating she have the kids fulltime and just visit every fortnight to me and my husband with her sign.
    -one copy of ulity bill

    but the identity document of the mother i doubt she will give us a copy cause that’s really personal. like i said they are not that good. if we provide this 4 i hope its enough then we will just explain why we can’t provide ID of the mother.

    fingers cross we can get the 4 documents. or else i tell my husband to order a copy of bc online but that’s the only document we can provide if the mother will refused give us all of those documents then we will write in cover letter. thank you mattecube for the link.
  6. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    you have to wonder why ukvi ask these questions about the sponsors kids by a previous relationship. its not as if it affects his earnings to outgoings--unless the sponsor is exempt from the earnings requirement. is that the case here ?
  7. Iainchelle

    Iainchelle Active Member

    hi bigmac we still met the financial requirement. here’s the link similar to my concern, i did some research about this and they do really ask for documents of stepkid from other parent which is irrelevant to my application. we will do our best to ask the mother. hope she will be nice. Goodluck to me. :frust:

  8. Br28016

    Br28016 Active Member Trusted Member

  9. ChrisTina

    ChrisTina Member

    We had something like the same issue. I have just provided every piece of evidence related to the children to establish a relationship, anything counts so the text messages you send are evidence. Then also attached an affidavit which is a sworn statement stating your position with the children and why you cannot access the information they want, this is a legal document and is a way to make your comments have a legal significance the same as other documents.
    It is really frustrating when the children are not part of the visa application that they want this detail of information, this is a step up change from our last application.
  10. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    without me doing a fake online application to find out--i wonder if these questions about the sponsers family drop down because a wrong answer has been given?

    my wifes last flr was online--but we never mentioned my offspring because they are all well over 18.
  11. ChrisTina

    ChrisTina Member

    Unfortunately not, I tried all the possible answers, there was little difference in the evidence required. The form actually states "Non applying children"
  12. Iainchelle

    Iainchelle Active Member

    hello guys just to give an update my husband ask her nicely if she can provide some utility bills from her name, birth certificate of kids, dated letter from with her passport front page. that’s a relief.

    i have another question in the finance section it says that i have to provide the ff..
    my concern here is about my payslip. it says payslip covering any period of salaried employment (current and previous) in the period of 12 months prior to the date of application.
    just to let you know guys me and my husband will combine salary to meet the financial requirement.
    we’re both non-salaried, i get paid weekly and husband get paid every 2 weeks. and we are still employed to the same company since 2018 up to present.

    my question is this how many payslip we have to provide? is it 6 months or 12 months? help please.
  13. ChrisTina

    ChrisTina Member

    You should provide a minimum of 12 months for both of you.

    I swapped jobs twice in the period which was a bit of a pain as it tripled confirmation letters and due to the dates I actually submitted 13 months to prove the cross referencing better. Ideally you are looking to show all your documents support each other. So for example: Payslips show on bank statements which matches expected salary in your work contract which is confirmed by your letter from employer all matching your address. Cross referencing is very powerful proof.
  14. Iainchelle

    Iainchelle Active Member

    ok thank you. i’ll submit my online application 3rdweek of april. im honestly nervous
  15. Iainchelle

    Iainchelle Active Member


    Date of application April 01
    IDV app biometric Aug 21
    Escalated Oct 16
    Follow up escalation Oct 29
    Decision Email November 16
    Finally after 7 months of waiting, and now i’m just waiting for my new brp :)
    Thanks to this group xx
    • Winner Winner x 1
  16. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    Great results congratulations
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  17. Iainchelle

    Iainchelle Active Member

    thank you

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