Hi, we are unable to delete your account as such, as this would mess with the forum indexing. What we can do is anonymise your account, so your username would change to AnonXXXX - the XXXX would be randomised numbers. This way your current username would cease to exist. Reply back if you want this to happen, Jim (OSS) or myself will action your request.
As per Rob's comment we can anonymise your account but if I may ask why do you think you might want to remove your account, you've only ever made 10 posts and you are already pretty anonymous, I've not reviewed all of your posts but the most recent two before this were helpful to other members. This is a public forum, it does not carry advertising and it does not have paid subsciptions therefore this forum, this site makes no money, indeed it actually costs a little bit of money every year to run. Everyone's posts make up the body of information that the forum represents, people have asked for accounts to be deleted before now expecting that their posts would be deleted too, but deletion of posts destroys the context of the threads that the person has posted in and we won't do that, because the result would be effectively vandalism to the site. If you really want to be removed we can make your account name anonymous, if there is some other reason you want to be removed please message me directly via private message, (click on a profile then "Start a conversation" under someones profile). edit: please note that the only identifying information we hold about you is your email address and that is not visible to the outside world anyway, if you ask for your account to be anonymised we basically remove your email address from our systems and change the user name, that's about it.