Oh, these guys don't represent Muslims as a whole, but thanks to western Government backing they are a growing power within the Islamic world. This is what a whahabi/Salafi Muslim sounds like, with their no nonsense interpretation of the Koran and strict enforcing of it. Wahabi Muslims are a cancer on Islam imho! They treat women as chattle, regard slavery as perfectly right (Saudi Arabia only outlawed slavery fairly recently - despite reports it still goes on). And they hold their prophet as an example of how a man should be (even when it comes to marrying a girl of 6 and having sex with her at 9) And the good news is folks, the Wahabi message is the one pumped out of Saudi funded mosques, oh and most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi, though all of them wahabi Muslims.
I understand the various implications and tenuous differences in interpretation of the Quran by so called scholars, but the crux of the matter is that as a religion as such, it doesn't belong in the 21st century. It hasn't changed. As waffa Sultan, said, and I was already well aware of, they have been riding on the back of western scientific breakthroughs for centuries, without contributing anything, but strife and hate. It is in the tenets of their religion to convert or kill the "kaffir" or infidel. No matter to which branch they belong. They all have it in common. Iit belongs, as a religion, in the skips of history. We, as humans, do not need Neanderthals amongst us
Well, where do I start... To a degree I agree with you 100%. Islam was certainly founded by a man comparable to Genghis Khan! Mohammad personally beheaded hundreds of captured men, he took his people on looting sprees as a means to survive (was quite literally a thief), he married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her at 9 years old. Not the kind of guy I would consider a good example of the perfect man. Yet to millions of people, he is considered the perfect man. So, yes, from the beginning of Islam it was a means to war. The Holy books of Islam are littered with teachings that are as medieval as you can get, and they do outnumber the good teachings. I think you can judge a religion by what it is used for today, by its followers. On that alone, Islam is being used as a means for people to kill and maim, as well as sexual discrimination on a scale we in the west have long since forgotten. However, there are also many Muslims who are the opposite. They are western, secular and want nothing more than to live out a peaceful life like that of Jews, Christians and whoever. They ignore the bad parts of the Koran and Sunna just as Christians and Jews ignore the parts of the Old Testament calling on them to kill for minor infractions. So, I think Islam is going through a phase right now just as Christianity did during the enlightenment.. Though we shall see.