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Blame the parents.

Discussion in 'Rant and Rave' started by Aromulus, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    I am too appalled by this gang of youths behaviour to rant properly, so I post the link for you lot to comment your views on that...
    And I will join in when I have abandoned any evil thoughts towards the juvenile scum.

  2. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Well... Clearly we seem to heading down a path to sectarianism. These kids pick up their views in the Mosque and from their parents, and we are too timid as a nation to deal with these instances in any proactive way...
  3. subseastu

    subseastu I'm Bruce Wayne Lifetime Member

    B****rds. Don't like here in the uk, F**k off somewhere else. THese extremists do my head in even if they are only 12. And thats the really sad thing. THey where all probably good kids but obviously at that age they are very impressionable (so is any age really judging from whats been going on recently). THe main focus should land at their parents but its possible that these kids could have been ill-advised from nearly anywhere. Every country needs immgration and it should be welcomed.......as long as the immigrants actually bring something to sociaty and don't sponge of the state or try to enforce there own brand of social standards and or religion on their surrounding indiginoues population. POpulations are a mixing pot and it SHOULD be a good thing.

    I wonder what the police reaction to this is? THe biggest problem I think is these immigrant groups all tend to gravitate towards their own kind, which is only natural. THere are areas in most major towns and cities where people live with there "own kind". This is in its self a bad thing as they close themselves off to the outside world and become a melting pot of hate and resentment. I am in no way defending these extremist f***kers, I'm just thinking aloud how and why this has happened in this country. I know people will blame the last goverment for their wishy washy laws etc governing (of not) immigration, but I think its the fact that we ended up too PC. Immigrant groups where left unchecked for too long and the next thing you know there are extermists shouting at the top of their lungs all over.

    THe captain I work with his brother works for the met SOCO and he estimates there are over 400 terrorist cells and training camps in the uk alone!!! What ever we / the goverment do now its going to be too little too late!!! THe security forces should have been infiltrating these areas as they did with dissident groups in the 80's
  4. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    I am afraid that we will see more and more of violence indoctrinated kids as we travel up the slippery slope of diversity.

    I have seen youtube videos of small arab children carrying ak47's and wearing suicide vests, and chanting whatever they chant on this gruesome occasions, but football songs ain't...

    It is well documented that children of all ages are brain washed against the west and all the values it stand for, and promised paradise in exchange for thei useless waste of their own young lives, even if they haven't a clue on how to deal with the 72 virgin maidens waiting on the other side...

    There is more of the same rubbish on Youtube.

    Due to the rigidity and bloodymindedness of this particular neanderthal creed, nothing can be done to make the followers see the error of their ways.

    They can blame the Israelis and the west for the Palestinians plight, as much as they want, but in real life the vast majority of the troublemakers, do not give a monkey about the Palestine and the Palestinians.
    It has moved to far from the days of jumbo Jet highjackings and subsequent destruction in the desert by Carlos the Jackal, Leila Khaled, and her cohorts.
    Entebbe and Dora Bloch......... Anyone remember...?

    Nowadays, we are fighting an insidious and treacherous enemy. As it is prepared to take our help and dispense hate in return.
    Talk about biting the hand that fed you....
    I hate racism of any kind, but denouncing this rabble for what it is, it isn't racism or bigotry in my eyes, but pure and simple unadulterated self preservation.

    So, please, if you happen to be reading this Mr. Ahmad, Abdul, Ali Baba or whatsyourface, before it gets Enoch Powell canonized as a saint for his rivers of blood speech and proven right in his wild guess of strife and riots, get the hell back to where you come from, if you don't want to adapt and follow our laws and customs here in UK. The indigenous populace has had enough,

    That was 2 and 1/2 pence worth I reckon...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2014
  5. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Where, oh where do I start......

    Christians do not get any special treatment in this country or in any other country to my knowledge (with exception to the Vatican city - if you class that as a country). Christians do not get respected when they voice concerns over blasphemous plays or humour that denigrates their religion... And the ones who complain quickly get told to sit down and shut up!

    In the US, there are some Christian radicals, I think of Westboro Baptist Church and other loons that like to cause a loud noise. Some even try to insert religion into science classes at school in the name of "Intelligent Design":der:

    And there are even a very few individuals who take their Christian doctrines to the point of killing people, notably Abortion doctors. However, 99.9999% of Christians will regard these people as lunatics and with a disdain that they usually reserve for rapists and murderers.. In other words, nobody speaks up for them!

    In Islam, when an Islamist kills in the name of their religion, there are numerous voices that are heard to praise these "Glorious" and "Pious" individuals. People like Abu Hamza, Anjem Choudary and the many idiots that parade themselves around this world. And so, I have to admit that it seems there is only one religion on this planet that seems to be a problem.

    I always think that the best people to talk to about any religion are the former members, they don't hold back anything. However, ex Muslims are few and far between, seeing as the Punishment for such a crime is death! So, Ayaan Hirsi Ali lives under constant guard. The founder of the faith freedom website and Wiki Islam gets death threats almost daily, especially due to his challenge to pay $50,000.00US to anyone who can disprove him in stating that the Islamic prophet Mohammad was:

    And the problem is that in this country, to openly debate this on TV, in Newpapers and so on, could bring about the eye of the local constabulary (though a procecution is not going to happen as no laws forbid such debate - Tony blair failed to get it through Parliament).

    We have been fed an over dose of "all cultures are equal" and "all religions are to be respected"... Sorry to differ, but I will not respect anyone who calls me an infidel or considers my home country as the "house of war". I will tell anyone that they are bigoted :f: if they tell me that women are less equal than men, or that I should amend my way of life in order not to "offend them".

    I get offended every day! If I am unfortunate enough to watch a few minutes of Jeremy Kyle, then I am offended by the sheer loutishness of some of the people in this country, not that I would ask to remove Jeromy Kyle from TV.. But hey..

    These death threats should have been treated seriously and the kids should be out of school and facing criminal prosecutions. Their parents should be told they could lose custody as they would end up in a youth offenders institute.. However, I think it more likely that after the local Imam makes veiled reference to the "insulting of a Billion Muslims", the school will relent and apologize.. Despite what the Daily Mail says.

    Also note how The Guardian do not cover this story:erm:

    Interesting couple of videos here too...

    Last edited: Jan 19, 2014
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  6. Deepete

    Deepete Member

    There is only one politician with any clout that is prepared to speak out and he was originally banned from this country.
    Geert Wilders, I never heard of him until I saw him being interviewed on Newsnight, talks a lot of sense and if his party
    continue to do well in Holland it could spur Europe to wake up.
  7. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    yeah we sould get rid of all the nasty foriegners :like:
  8. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    @Keith... Religious debate is not racism or xenophobia!

    @Deepete.. I am still not convinced with Geert Wilders, though Ayaan Hirsi Ali includes him in her list of friends so I can take it from that he is at least not racist (as some have charged) or anti immigration. And I object to people refering to him as "right wing", as that implies a view of small government, etc.. Right wing does not mean racist or xenophobic, plenty of lefties fall into those traps too.

    Though with Geert Wilders I think he is still a politician at heart, simply pounding for votes with a pro western and anti Islamic standing.. Though we shall see!

    One thing I will disagree with him on is his view of black and white when it comes to Muslims. They are not all bigoted crazy people like the media would suggest. Take a look at Irshad Manji for a refreshing glimpse of a future western Muslim...
  9. Deepete

    Deepete Member

    I would not call him anti Islamic or racist, he just seems to be talking sense in wanting Holland, and he includes other parts of Europe, to retain their identity and not be swamped by other cultures. It does seem strange that a lot of the world spend their time denouncing western culture while trying their hardest to move to the west and be part of it.
  10. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    but we should keep the nice ones:erm:
  11. florgeW

    florgeW Lady Mod Senior Member

    i am nice.. so i hope UK will keep me?.. hehehe

    on a serious note, i do blame the parents... and their parents parents.. and... well... they have been brought up to think the way they think....
  12. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Keith, how does challenging Muslims to change their religion (in that making it personal and not demanding it be accepted by others) equate to xenophobic and racist rants or somehow asking immigrants (bad ones) to leave the country? Though I do ask anyone living here to respect the customs, people and lifestyle of the inhabitants.

    I am the child of immigrants (kind of), in that my father was Irish and my mother was raised in Ireland (she was born in London as her father was in the British army during WWI). But still, I consider myself the child of immigrants and whether it is the Irish sea or an entire continent, I am as much a child of immigrants as any Indian or Pakistani descended person in the UK.... Race has nothing to do with this debate, Muslims are not a race of people.

    Granted, I do accept the debate needs to be about actual facts and people as individuals and not singling out an entire section of society as potential terrorists. Muslims are visable as often their sense of dress is obvious and to a certain extent the race of a person can indicate whether or not they are Muslims. So I think that the rhetoric needs to be carefully worded as Europe does not need another enemy (in the sense that Jews were considered as enemies in years gone by)..

    Though the difference with the hatred of Jews is simple. The people who disliked Jews pointed towards the "protocols of the elders of zion", which was a work of malicious fiction fabricated as fact by Russians during the time of the Zsars. Muslims have fellow Muslims telling all and sundry how they will one day dominate the world and proclaim Sharia on all the inhabitants, and others following this brand taking up arms against the infidels... So comparisons can be misleading!

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