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Discussion in 'Migrating to the Philippines' started by Fazer1, Jan 13, 2024.

  1. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

  2. Fazer1

    Fazer1 Active Member

    Apologies for late reply, didn't actually know you had until i checked in. Mostly get notifications.

    I was looking on youtube for places that are easy to emigrate too. Some places actually pay you, but there are as always certain criteria to to met.

    Gonna be a task seeimg if i can figure domething out. Probably not fruitful one either, though there's this part of me that thinks there has to be a way.
  3. Fazer1

    Fazer1 Active Member

    Ok. I'll probably have a closer look at the options and all to do with each when i get back.

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