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Discussion in 'Migrating to the Philippines' started by Fazer1, Jan 13, 2024.

  1. Fazer1

    Fazer1 Active Member

    I was wondering if anyone can offer any leads or tips to getting employment in the Philippines for a UK citizen?

    This will likely be a few questions in one message.

    Is there such a thing as agencies over in philippines that help UK citizens get work out there?

    Is it relatively easy or not?

    Assuming unskilled.

    This new rule that the uk is likely to bring in has made me have to have a rethink.
  2. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    I very much doubt you, or anyone else, for that matter, will be able to secure an unskilled job over there..
    Too many local skilled people are out of a job, just because they don't meet the young looking criteria that most employers demand .
    Age and experience is a draw back in most jobs in the Philippines.
    As far as I know, only foreigners with essential skills are allowed to work in the country. An other way is to be able to work online from anywhere in the world. Our Oss, visit his children in Manila and also does spend some time doing his IT work online, so he is able to keep earning, while away from his desk.
    Even retiring there is slowly becoming more of a hassle.

    My two pence worth thrown in. If I am incorrect, please someone tell me, before I make a bigger fool of myself.
  3. PhilPensioner

    PhilPensioner Active Member

    You will need a work permit unless you have a 13A (married to a Filipina/o) visa. Most unlikely to get one, sorry to say...as mentioned above.
    Yes, online working is a possibility, if you have the skills.
  4. Fazer1

    Fazer1 Active Member

    Ok, thankyou gor your replies. It brings back things i have heard a wee while back but had forgotten, so rings true.

    In that case perhaps i aught to look into online earning methods. (If anyone can offer ideas, be welcome)

    Would it be worth creating a thread about that in this website or is it the wrong place?

    Thanks again.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. PhilPensioner

    PhilPensioner Active Member

  6. Fazer1

    Fazer1 Active Member

    • Like Like x 1
  7. GJD223

    GJD223 Active Member

    I’ve heard of people earning from online English teaching, through various websites. I believe there is no formal qualification required. I don’t have a clue how much can be earnt though. I did meet someone personally when I was last out in Filo and he had regular students in China, Vietnam, Korea and some other places too, all conducted from his laptop at home in Batangas.
    He had split up from his Filo wife and could not afford to come back to UK, if I remember correctly he had no pension or other income from UK and earnt his living from just doing online teaching.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2024
  8. Fazer1

    Fazer1 Active Member

    Something to look into then. Thanks.

    That could be established before going too, and could be done from most places i imagine.

    Are you still in contact with him that you may be able to get info from him about how he went about starting.

    I mean did he sign up to some scheme or is it an employer or just self start up kinda thing?
  9. GJD223

    GJD223 Active Member




    I’m afraid I’m not in contact with him, he was briefly going out with my wife’s cousin while I was out there. There are plenty of Google searches that you can explore (have included a couple (without reading thoroughly so not sure if relevant))
  10. Fazer1

    Fazer1 Active Member

    Ok, thankyou for taking the trouble to post the links. I'll take a look.
  11. Fazer1

    Fazer1 Active Member


    Having thoughts about this again.

    This is hypothetical..... but if a UK citizen and a Filipino get married and if it's not really possible for either party to emigrate to the others country due to not being able to meet emigration requirements...

    Is there a country that is easy to emigrate too so that the couple could be together?

    My next question would be to ask if anyone has contacts in Philippines that might be able to offer employment in order to meet the financial support requirements to emigrate to phili. (I appreciate comments in tgis post in the past state finding an unskillwd job unlikely, but word of mouth's a bit different)

    I do have an hgv class 2 license, so not entirely unskilled.

    I'm cluthing at straws, i know!
  12. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Cant you earn well here with a HGV licence ?
  13. Fazer1

    Fazer1 Active Member

    You can with a class 1, not so much with a class 2 though it is possible. I'd say few and far between at 36k a year though, which is what i'd need to earn here to bring partner over. (Last i heard anyway)
  14. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    is it feasible to get a class 1 ?
  15. Fazer1

    Fazer1 Active Member

    Yeah It is an option and i have thought about it but whilst i'd honestly rather not i may end up trying for it at somepoint.

    At the moment i'm simply looking at potential options for a possible future.
  16. GJD223

    GJD223 Active Member

    As far as I am aware there is no financial requirement limit to stay in Filo. You can go there for a holiday and extend your visa for up to 3 years, leave for a day or so and then go back and start again. Yes, you will have to set your own living standard income limits but no minimum amount required to visit Filo.
  17. Fazer1

    Fazer1 Active Member

    Ok. I don't know, you may be correct.

    Here's the one minute video i got that info from...

  18. GJD223

    GJD223 Active Member

    If you wish to go down the route of 13a residence visa then it states you have to provide 6 months bank statements or credit card. It doesn’t say what your annual income has to be ! Attached is from the Filo embassy web site.

    I would just get a Balikbayan visa, which is a one year visit visa. You get this on entering the country with your filo wife and showing your marriage certificate. After one year just have a quick trip to Singapore or Thailand and then go back and start again.

    Attached Files:

  19. Fazer1

    Fazer1 Active Member

    Thanks for that info. I'm a bit away from that for the moment but gives me a little hope i can maybe make something happen. :like:
  20. PhilPensioner

    PhilPensioner Active Member

    No proofs of income were asked for when I applied for (and was granted) my 13A...couple of years ago.

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