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Discussion in 'UK Visa and Immigration Help' started by OTT, Sep 2, 2017.

  1. OTT

    OTT Active Member

    Hi all , so much good info on this forum so I have a question . Apologies if it's been covered elsewhere but I couldn't find anything in search .
    I'm sure I read somewhere a while ago about using an affidavit in a visa application , i.e. for someone to guarantee that their uk visitor will return to their home country after their vacation . This I assume would help allay immigration fears of a non return by said visitor . Seems simple enough but maybe too good to be true . Would certainly help if such a thing was accepted , even if it meant putting up a financial bond that would be lost if not complied with .
    Any thoughts or knowledge please. ?
  2. DavidAlma

    DavidAlma Well-Known Member

    Hi OTT
    I don't know of such a procedure, but I like the idea of one.
  3. OTT

    OTT Active Member

    Hi David , yes if it's possible it could be a great help , although it might reduce the number or second applications and thus the revenue that these create haha
  4. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    the only time ive seen the word affidavit is in connection with a marriage in the philippines...the UK person makes an affidavit ( or an affirmation ) at the British Embassy as part of the marriage process.
  5. OTT

    OTT Active Member

    Thanks bigmac, yes I just read about that . I'm sure I read somewhere about it maybe being worth submitting with visa application , but I can't remember where for sure . Old age I guess haha
  6. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    i agree with others--a great idea. a guarantor.
  7. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    The USA do accept them and also some countries will accept them if you are taking a child abroad, that child being a child where the parents have divorced or separated.
    Not used however in the
  8. ChoiAndJohn

    ChoiAndJohn Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    The UKVI are not interested in any affidavit that swears that the visitor to the UK will return home.
    Likewise they are not interested in letter from friends, family or any UK sponsor.
    What they want to see is hard evidence that the visitor will return home.
  9. OTT

    OTT Active Member

    I take your point ChoiAnd John thanks, but there is no hard evidence really in my opinion ( not that it counts ) Having a job ,or kids there , a return flight ticket or even owning a property there is no guarantee someone will leave and return home . I thought a legal document signed, and with maybe a significant money bond to potentially lose would be better than these other requirements . Pity if not .
  10. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    No it is down to the applicant to show compelling reasons that they will return home at the end of the visa validity.
  11. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    in other words--its pot luck.

    best to bank on a refusal--kiss goodbye to--£87-?-----and get a refusal reason in writing...then apply again if you can overcome the refusal. think of it as a tax.
  12. ChoiAndJohn

    ChoiAndJohn Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Let me be more specific. I was typing using a telephone before.
    You will need to comply with Appendix V of the immigration rules. Specifically V3.1 through V4.23

    You are correct. Your opinion is of no interest to the UKVI, and neither is the opinion, sworn or otherwise, of friends, relatives, or the applicant themselves.

    The immigration rules are here:

    If you admit in an application that you have formed a romantic relationship, the officer may feel that this factor would render the visitor more likely to overstay, and therefore require more convincing evidence of an intention to return.

    Unless you can show compelling evidence that the Filipino national intends to return to the Philippines and hence satisfy V4.2 (a) by production of one or more of the below items, I would suggest that you do not waste the time and visa fee in an application which is likely to fail.

    1. Enrollment in a course of full-time education in the Philippines.
    2. Evidence of ongoing employment in the Philippines.
    3. Evidence of business ownership in the Philippines.
    4. Property Title in the Philippines.
    5. Evidence of other significant and non-transferrable assets in the Philippines.

    Section V4.2 (e) of the rules requires the visitor have sufficient funds to cover the stay. This is tempered by the admission in Section V4.3 that those costs may be covered by a third party. However, the officer must be satisfied that a genuine professional or personal relationship exists between applicant and the third party.

    The evidence will also be taken as a whole. For example, a filipino applicant who claims to have full-time employment, yet fails to show a significant bank balance and assets in the Philippines and who requires support from a boyfriend in the UK, is not going to be as believable a proposition as a self-funded genuine tourist with a full-time job and no-romantic entanglements. The purpose of the visitor visa is for tourists. Not for international dating.

    I suggest that you will find it far easier and cheaper to visit the Philippines.

    Hope this is helpful.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2017
  13. OTT

    OTT Active Member

    Thanks ChoiAnd John for the time to write the long and detailed reply . Lots of good points made . The three reasons that they gave were 1) no ownership of property ( can't satisfy them on that one ) 2) no job at present ( hopefully can change that in near future ) 3) No defendants in Philippines ( strange one that I don't understand ,when she has put her young sons details on the application )
    Maybe we will try one more application if we can convince them on two of the three , if not I will just have to keep going there as often as I can .Thanks again to everyone for your comments and suggestions . Pity the legal document is a no no with immigration .
  14. OTT

    OTT Active Member

    I forgot to tell you , the line about international dating made me laugh haha. But seriously , we did detail the many sightseeing and tourist things that we intended to do genuinely . Several day trips to London with details of itinerary , etc .

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