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A few routes closed..........

Discussion in 'Rant and Rave' started by Aromulus, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    For quick bogus visas..........

    The University of Wales has fallen by the wayside, and so several bogus colleges wich were affiliated to it.

    A few months ago, before all this started, there were moves to include Wrexham's own brand new "Glyndwr University" in the welsh universities circle, which covered Bangor Uni, Cardiff's and some other... Which were all to be controlled by the University of Wales..............:oops:

    After the local press and population severely objected to the proposal, and local MP's were more than happy to support the public, for once, it was still on the drawing board... But it looks as if the project will not see the daylight anymore, due to the bad press and perceived civil distaste to the idea....

    So we find ourselves with a University in town, of which everiyone is proud of, makes money for itself, helped Wrexham Football Club out of the mess it was by purchasing the training grounds, the Stadium and ancillaries from cash reserves, and charging minimal rent to the Club for using the facilities. Facilities which are shared by the Uni for some of their courses.

    How cool is that for a Uni, which is proud to help and serve the community it is based in...???
  2. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    Another blow to the survival of the Welsh language :rolleyes:
  3. walesrob

    walesrob Administrator Staff Member

    It gets worse - they've called in the auditors at Aberystwyth University over some very dodgy property dealings.
  4. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    Yeah, I did read about that............ It is estimated to last quite a few months...

    they must have buried the trail real deep..........

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