Worst food in the world. Poorest hygiene ever

Discussion in 'Culture and Food' started by Zachariah11, Jul 5, 2019.

  1. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Do we really need lessons in bad manners and obnoxiousness?
  2. Markham

    Markham Guest

    This member has just given us a significant clue into what may be behind his hostility. He is a former soldier who has lost one of his limbs; as a result he may also be suffering PTSD which the MOD has been very slow in recognising and treating. Unfortunately he will not get either the support or the treatment he needs in the Philippines; he will need to return to the UK and seek help initially through his regiment.
  3. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    The guy seems to be in meltdown, if it is real, that's useful for everyone, people reading this site need to see the bad and the good, most of us would defend the country of our partners and our children while being aware of the problems, this guy is slating it in no uncertain terms.

    Threads get buried in history but Google can dig them up, the real value in this kind of thread is for the Googlers that might land here and think WTH and maybe take a further look around for other opinions.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    He's still struggling to sign out :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    PTSD can go on for a very long time, my father still had some symptoms when he died aged 66 in 1985, this gentleman appears to be my age or older, so such events would likely be attributable to one of the few major conflicts in the last 30 to 40 years.

    How likely is major PTSD after that length of time?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Very good points, Jim. I find it a bit strange that he should complain about the food in Davao which I reckon has the freshest and best foods in the country. Southern Mindanao is know as the "bread basket" due to the amount, quality and variety of foodstuffs grown there. Meat and fish are of excellent quality aa abattoirs and markets are regularly inspected.

    His approach may be a cry for help (see #62).
  7. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    I hadn't read post #60 at the time I wrote my quoted reply above.
  8. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Untreated, a life sentence I would think.

    Falklands or Gulf War 1 ... ? If he was fighting and injured in the Falklands, then it is very likely that any demons he had were not recognised or exorcised by MOD doctors. I spent that period of time navigating 'Uganda', a makeshift hospital ship, on sorties between the Falklands and Montevideo, Uruguay, from where the walking wounded were repatriated by air. Patients were mostly given good pain relief (IV morphine delivered by a syringe driver) but that did nothing for their nightmares other than, in some cases, accentuate them. Returning servicemen had their physical wounds taken care of but not their mental ones.

    If he is one of those, then he has my greatest respect and my sympathy.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    He's had a couple of threads on here to which he received no reply, the children are young one is his, the other is informally adopted by him.

    He had UK citizenship of his child refused because the mother was still technically married, in that situation I think a DNA test is the 'ONLY' solution for him, a child that can be proven to be genetically related to a parent is a British Citizen under UK law as of July 2006.

    I think he might be pissed off at not having received much constructive help from this place in the couple of years he has been a member.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Markham

    Markham Guest

    He's started quite a number of threads but it appears that his most recent, Citizenship, remains unanswered; he has received replies to his other threads, though.

    He's certainly pissed-off with me - who isn't, I'm everybody's Aunt Sally, it's a badge I wear with pride! :lol:
  11. Zachariah11

    Zachariah11 Member

    I am not looking for sympathy of any kind.
    My choice.
    And yes I am struggling to sign off
  12. Bootsonground

    Bootsonground Guest

    I wish the OP good luck..Sounds like he is due some.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Zachariah11

    Zachariah11 Member

    I am not pissed off with anyone in particular.
    Just pissed ff in general.
  14. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    It's not that easy to be honest, you can close the page if you are on a phone and it should go away and stay away, alternatively click on this link http://www.british-filipino.com/logout and then click on the button that says 'Log Out'.
  15. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Sir your posts in this thread show that you are pissed off with us, the members that have commented, fair enough, we've replied in anger but things seem to have calmed down, I am sorry that you didn't get a great deal of help here.
  16. graham59

    graham59 Banned

    I'm pretty surprised, if not shocked at some of the responses in this thread, to be honest.

    I would have thought most on here would be mature and worldly enough to be able to see beyond the OP's 'writing style', before the knee-jerk lectures / reactions kicked in.

    Come on guys.
  17. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Whereas (quoting my own post above), if I were in a quiet room and able to hear someone chewing or crunching or cracking their knuckles or their neck, or mucking around with a crisp packet, or blowing and smacking gum, or the clacking of false teeth, I would be completely ready for homicide, seriously I would happily be violent, but 60 years of civilisation prevents me from acting on the base urge and desire.

    People that speak with a full mouth while eating, people that chew gum, people that fidget non stop, people that whistle nervously or otherwise, all make me want to die, I want to simply not be there, it is a fight or flight response and because I am not a violent person the flee part tends to win.

    Soft sound syndrome or Misophonia is a terrible thing to suffer from.

    Give me a noisy environment any time as long as I can't easily pick out individual sounds and triangulate on them I can live.
  18. DavidAlma

    DavidAlma Well-Known Member

    Nothing of value to add to what might be the cause of the OP rant, but I can assure everyone reading this now or in the future, the food in Philippines and especially Davao is great.
    My wife has no problems buying fresh fish, chicken, pork, beef, salads, vegetables at a number of supermarkets in Davao.
    Plus we eat out once a week with friends and enjoy terrific food at great prices. Just last night 16 of us had dinner at a restaurant not more than 2km from his location. We are a mixed group, German, Hungarian, Canadian, Brits and Filipina wives and girlfriends. My wife had pepper steak with fresh veggies, myself I opted for Steak fajitas. Very tasty and cheap as chips. Our total bill with a couple of drinks each was less than £15.
    There are literally dozens of great restaurants in Davao, the majority well recommended. So any new readers here wondering about food in Davao, rest assured, you will not be disappointed.
    • Like Like x 2
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  19. Daveyw1988

    Daveyw1988 Active Member

    The food in Philippines is no different from uk Sorry...in fact I reckon food there is better quality and fresher than uk.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. graham59

    graham59 Banned

    I have no argument with the quality and availability of the ingredients.... apart from gravy granules. :(

    I just prefer to put them together myself. :D

    One of my super boneless, low-salt and fat, sugarless, salmonella-less chicken curries is bubbling away right now. :like:

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