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Tourist visa

Discussion in 'Warnings and Dangers' started by Colin4000, Apr 12, 2017.

  1. Colin4000

    Colin4000 Member

    There is nothing worse than having your wife over to the uk on a 6 month tourist visa and then you go back with her to come home alone

    Worst thing ever
  2. DavidAlma

    DavidAlma Well-Known Member

    Can imagine how awful that must be. How long before you will be together again?
  3. Brom27

    Brom27 Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    I know how that feels. :frust:
  4. uklove

    uklove Active Member

    Coming home alone HURTS LIKE HELL.
    Just look forward to the next time...
  5. Scotschap16

    Scotschap16 Well-Known Member

    Must be heartbreaking. May I ask why she can't join you permanently in UK - or you her in the Phils?
  6. Colin4000

    Colin4000 Member

    Havent been in my job 6 months to apply for a spouse visa and cant afford atm
  7. asgloki

    asgloki Member

    I know how you feel, I have a gf in the Philippines and we known eachother for over 2 years but she is married so it makes things very complicated.
  8. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    not another one !
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. uklove

    uklove Active Member

    We can expect lot of questions haha
  10. Tony A

    Tony A Member

    Hi guys.... It is sort of comforting to hear people with the same problems as myself, I chatted online with my lady first over a year ago just as friends, we video chatted later and found a connection which blossomed and grew into a loving relationship.
    We decided to meet and see how things went, so I went to the Philippines for a couple of weeks and she flew there from Singapore where she works, we spent two wonderful weeks together and she had to go back to Singapore to finish her contract there.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. OTT

    OTT Active Member

    I just saw this thread . Yes that must be really hard to separate after being together again ,it's bad enough just with girlfriend. It made me wonder , how do you convince immigration that your wife will leave after 6 months , when they will know that you will both be longing for her to stay ?
  12. Tony A

    Tony A Member

    Yes it is sad that we cannot talk to immigration and assure them that our partners/wives will return home .... of course we would love them to stay here but we are petrified that if we say one word out of place the visa will not be granted... My lady is married but been separated for over ten years and no annulment so there is little hope that she can come here permanently, so maybe I have to look at the possibility of going to the Philippines .... but for me it is early days and we need the six months together on a visit to see in reality just how compatible we really are ... sadly we cannot say this to immigration as I am sure they will not grant a visa ...
  13. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    Hi as you are aware she needs to show compelling reasons she will return, very difficult has she a job,property or alike?

    One angle you could explore is she needs to return home to commence divorce proceedings and needs to file the papers in court personally,also if the relationship goes well then there will be future visa applications to consider so why would you risk her overstaying? if the relationship didnt go well you wouldnt want her to stay anyway!

    Bit of a longshot but you might want to consider if you can offer a good argument along those lines.

    Good Luck
  14. Tony A

    Tony A Member

    Thanks Mattecube... She will have completed her contract if and when she comes here so will not have a job to return to as she wants to go home to the Philippines (or here was the hope) ... the best thing that I have told her to do is to go to her agency in Singapore and obtain a letter from them to say that she has a job offer on her return... I am a bit worried telling that we are an item in her application as they just assume that she will overstay although as you say, why would we risk upsetting immigration...
  15. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    As I've said before.....just apply for the visit visa. Spend the £90. Regard it as a tax. Expect to be refused. You will get a reason. Then reapply if you can overcome it. Far quicker than wondering if.......
  16. DavidAlma

    DavidAlma Well-Known Member

    Agree up to a point Mac, but even so £90 is £90 and what is the point of going through the whole process and lose the money when its almost a foregone conclusion that a visit visa will not be granted without compelling reasons to return. I'm of the opinion that it is better to get all the known requirements in place before applying.
  17. John Surrey

    John Surrey Well-Known Member

    £90 to get them to show their hand sounds good to me
  18. Tony A

    Tony A Member

    Surely there are enough people on here with a granted visa that could do a points list as to what was turned down and what was accepted or more so, what they thought swayed the judgement in a positive way........
  19. DavidAlma

    DavidAlma Well-Known Member

    In our case, it was pretty straight forward application.
    1 We are married, showed copy of marriage certificate
    2 We have house and lot in Philippines, showed title of two lots of land in wife's name and photos of us together in our newly built house
    3 I was accompanying my wife on the visit from Dubai, showed evidence of leave approval from my company
    4 Showed a few details of the trip itinerary, attending a family wedding for one, showed wedding invitation and hotel bookings
    5 Showed visa stamps in wife's passport showing that she had visited several other countries and never overstayed
    6 Showed wife's bank statement reflecting adequate funds for the trip, even though I was paying for everything
  20. Tony A

    Tony A Member

    Yours looks perfect to have got your visa DavidAlma..
    But I need to try to satisfy then with just what we have got.
    I am compiling a list of the countries that Mila has been to and the approx dates (As most were on an older passport)
    I am also making a list of places and friends that she will visit while here.
    Plus trying to write a letter of invitation for her stating that her trip will be funded by myself...
    So any help with these would be greatly appreciated...
    Shame there is not like a list of points to guide us..

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