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Bowel cancer screening and Prostrate Gland cancer testing

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Mattecube, Nov 27, 2024.

  1. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    Went for my bowel screening came back OK.

    However visited the doctors with what I believed to be chronic constipation which they confirmed and as part of the internal my prostrate was felt and appeared OK from what the doctor said,
    The blood test that I had done as part of the process for the constipation has raised concerns the PSA (The prostate specific antigen ( PSA ) test is a blood test that can help diagnose prostate problems including prostate cancer.) has come back high and abnormal, so have been referred to consultants! I don't appear to have any other symptoms leaning towards prostrate cancer (generally perceived as below)
    • needing to pee more frequently, often during the night.
    • needing to rush to the toilet.
    • difficulty in starting to pee (hesitancy)
    • straining or taking a long time while peeing.
    • weak flow.
    • feeling that your bladder has not emptied fully.
    • blood in urine or blood in semen.
    and my doctor tells me due to my age that they are being cautious based on the PSA test pretty much alone. For me its consultant visits and a waiting game!
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2024
  2. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    i used to be sent a "sh1t-kit " every 2 years in the post--for a DIY stool sample But that stopped when i turned 70.
    Now my wife has been sent one!

    A few years back a locum GP i had known for years wanted to carry out a digital prostate examination on me--i thought he meant an electronic thing.

    I agreed--and soon found out he meant finger!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. John Surrey

    John Surrey Well-Known Member

    Hope it turns out ok.

    I was getting a bit bunged up myself a month or two ago which is why I started having a chia seeds drink everyday.
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  4. Heathen

    Heathen Active Member

    I hope everything turns out okay John, I had a scan some 6 months or so ago and they found a couple of polyps in my gallbladder, Dr called me and said they would send me for another scan after 6 months to see how they were, had that scan a few weeks ago so far no news, I guess we are at an age where we come down with certain illnesses etc etc, which is why it's always best to try to do and enjoy things while we can and able to, money helps us do things in life but the one thing money can't buy is good health.

    Good luck I am sure all will be fine.
    • Like Like x 3
  5. PhilPensioner

    PhilPensioner Active Member

    My police officer nephew died recently from bowel cancer, at age 44, and a single parent. Take the tests seriously folks...especially when they're free.

    As for me, the free NHS ultrasound test I had done in the UK, a few years ago, revealed the presence of a 'Small abdominal aortic aneurysm' (AAA) . I'd never have known otherwise. 6 monthly ultrasounds now, to keep an eye on things.
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  6. John Surrey

    John Surrey Well-Known Member

    One more reason I'd like to get back to the UK so I can go to the doctor/nhs etc... apart from one visit about 10 years ago (very itchy allergy) to the only local GP who's not a bandit, I've been alright thank God.
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  7. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    Cheers Paul
    I have been lucky with my health throughout my life so feel blessed. A scan has been arranged for the week after we come back from Prague and I am told I will get the result and comment on if further action is required 3 days later (the 19th) so its a waiting game. As I am not displaying any additional symptoms leaning towards cancer the pre screening nurse views this as a positive.
    • Like Like x 2
  8. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    The fight begins.
  9. Heathen

    Heathen Active Member

    Meaning the result was positive ?.
  10. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    Yes results are positive (Adenocarcinomas) so it's a radical prostatectomy that is being discussed, this procedure carries risks though, the other option is radiotherapy and or chemo.
  11. Heathen

    Heathen Active Member

    Sorry to hear that John, stay positive and you will come through this.
    I mentioned that I had a scan of my gallbladder some weeks ago, so far I have had no feedback so hopefully no news is good news, what I didn't say was that I have previous with regards Cancer the first time was in the early 1990's and then again 2003/4 and I am still here, so I am sure you will win your fight stay safe and have a great Christmas.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. John Surrey

    John Surrey Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry to hear that try to stay positive.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    Thanks Paul, veryreassuring and positive to hear.
  14. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    Always, as a Man Utd supporter it's always
    • Like Like x 1
  15. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    I'm sorry to hear this John, I missed this post over Christmas and it can't have been good news to recieve at this season.

    My ex employer had a bowel cancer diagnosis about 8 years ago, they fixed that, he's also had a pancreatic cancer diagnosis recently and it looks like they've fixed that as well, they can work wonders these days.

    I've got my own issues right now although currently not cancer related not ready to share any of it yet.

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