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Breaking news - reduce your electricity bills by 20-50%

Discussion in 'General Chit Chat' started by subseastu, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. subseastu

    subseastu I'm Bruce Wayne Lifetime Member

    That's right folks you heard right

    Reduce your 'lecy bill by 20-50%

    Want to know how???????

    You sure????

    Buy bags of "Micswell café 8 in 1" coffee mix and tape the sachets round the electrical cable for 6-36inches depensing on the saving you want to make.

    Its as simple as that!!

    Sorry I went info-mercial there. The woman who does the wifes nails came today brandishing a few sheets of paper containing photocopies of a local businesses 'lecy bills for the last 4 months and a information on the above coffee product. Now I've done a little bit of looking on google and there is a few vids on utube showing how you do this but for the life of me I honestly cant see how taping small bags of coffee round the cable of your appliances can in anyway reduce the consumption of that appliance. Unless of course I'm being thick again?!

    Prehaps the more intelligent amoung us can shed some light on this?
  2. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    That's one for your drillship sparky! But I would say not. Or if so then its negligible.
  3. subseastu

    subseastu I'm Bruce Wayne Lifetime Member

    It seems to be quite thing here though that's what I don't understand either. The bills 've seen are from the local internet café whos use is going to be up and down each month anyay
  4. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Although I have worked with electricity and electronics for many years, until a few years ago I have never fully understood it / them and am not formally trained, I just don't think it would be so. But then I always think never say never too.

    Yep, one for the coffee shop at smoko! :D
  5. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    LOL here it is. I will watch it later...

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2014
  6. subseastu

    subseastu I'm Bruce Wayne Lifetime Member

    Watched that one, doesn't really show anything to me
  7. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    The save lecky campaign im involved with involves rounds of the house and turning off the lights/ aplliances left on I wish we had a "cash consumed" meter where the missus could see it where it says "annual cost at current consumption" so you could see the big picture and the dramatic difference.

    On a parallel note Ive tried to explain how water /sewage bills work allso without much sucsess lol
  8. subseastu

    subseastu I'm Bruce Wayne Lifetime Member

    Yep same here. The number of rooms I walk into that have lights blazing away and no-one in them. Winds me up
  9. Januarius

    Januarius Member

    Tired of constantly turning lights off after them!!
    We have changed all our lighting to LED` bulbs (3 and 5 watts) so they can have the lights on when they like for as long as they like now..
  10. blue_acid

    blue_acid Member Trusted Member

    is there any scientific basis on this claim?

    with how much our electricity bill as of now, i am scared when Meralco starts increasing prices by php3.4/kwh.
  11. Januarius

    Januarius Member

    Not really.. The guy that posted that video just claims to sell coffee that reduces Kwh usage.. It either works or he`s a damned good coffee salesman!!
  12. subseastu

    subseastu I'm Bruce Wayne Lifetime Member

    Personally I think this is generated by the coffee firm I honestly cant see how taping silver sachets of coffee to cable has an affect in the slightest. Unless this is indeed the answer to the worlds energy problems.

    I just thought it was one of those funny urban legends (assuming it is an urban legend of course)
  13. Anon04576

    Anon04576 Well-Known Member

    I'm a complete novice when it comes to electrics but that is a wind-up. Coffee sachets reducing electric bills, naaaah. A device consumes the electricity at the voltage and amperage it needs, else we'd have "dimmer switches" on everything.
  14. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Just spoke to a chap that used to work for Schlumberger, running thousands of feet of electronic cable in a wellbore. Am not sure what the power supply is that they use but it is low voltage. Anyway, distilling down what he said was that energy is indeed lost along an electrical cable to run say, an electric kettle, for example, however, coffee will not help solve that.

    Gold wire will help though. :D - thats gold wire, not Goldblend.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  15. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    When I first met my wife I distinctly recall her explaining to me that coffee was a healthy beverage....

    "I stopped taking coffee for the past 20 years because I experienced strong palpitation and it causes pain in my left temple. I started to drink it every morning in July 2012. I noticed that the palpitation was gone and there was no more pain in my left temple. I felt more alert and vigorous.

    Little did I know that aside from the health benefits, this coffee mix can also reduce electricity and fuel consumption!

    This is not the first time that I heard about this but I just ignored it, thinking that it was just one of those things. A relative based in Bicol brought to us a similar coffee-mix with “Barako” brand name. My wife wife tried by attaching it to appliances but I did not notice any significant result on our electric bills. I researched on the web and found out that there are similar products as well but not as hygienically, professionally-produced and marketed like “Micswell Cafe 8-in-1”."

  16. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    The Phils is already pretty much exclusively fluorescent, hard to get old fashioned high energy consumption bulbs these days, we have 100W equivalent fluorescent globes several of them in the living room maybe 15W to 20W each, I would happily burn them all the time at night but the family switch them off, they don't however switch off the aircon or make sensible use of the electric fans, sometimes we are running 210 watts of electric fan alone, does little but heat the place up :(, I am going to install a high power extractor to create a draft in the room and suck cooler air from the outside through the building, our place is literally hotter than the outside :(

    The LED lamps are a bloody good idea though both from the consumption viewpoint and quality of light and particularly lifespan!
  17. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    He's a good coffee salesman :)
  18. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    When you have the most expensive electric in the world (or damned close) then you might want to believe in anything that tells you it can be cheaper.

    Out of all the prices here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity_pricing the only ones I can see that are higher than the Philippines per KWh are countries with much smaller populations (not done detailed research).

    Oddly Germany is slightly higher than the Phils but the UK is getting on for half the price and we think we have it bad.
  19. subseastu

    subseastu I'm Bruce Wayne Lifetime Member

    Not a bad idea, I regularly go outside to cool down!!! I don't know if it makes a difference but the exterior of the house we're renting is covered in ceramic tiles! Must have cost a fortune.

    Anyway so we're saying that there is no proof the taping coffee to cables reduces the bill. Saying that I've heard using teabags is really effective........
  20. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Yeh, but only Tetleys...

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