Rip off Airport Immigration

Discussion in 'Rant and Rave' started by Steve Murray, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Markham

    Markham Guest

    If you crave recognition as an exspurt (sic) on Fields Avenue and its many foreigner-oriented businesses, go for it. But you'd be more in demand on another forum, such as LinC, where you'll find many hungry (mostly American) takers.
  2. graham59

    graham59 Banned

    Aah... my stalker, come to show how clever he thinks he is AGAIN. :like:
  3. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Oh get over yourself, do. Your audience over on FilipinaRoses awaits your pronouncements on which Fields Avenue bar gives the best bag for the buck; we over here could care less.
  4. graham59

    graham59 Banned


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