Applying for a child passport in the UK - mother is Filipina with ILR and the father is Brazillian.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by AM2018, May 15, 2018.

  1. AM2018

    AM2018 Member

    Hi! I have a friend she is 17 years old when she had her ILR stamped on her Philippine passport petitioned by her mother. She is Filipina and she doesn't have British passport yet. She fell pregnant with her son 4 years ago and the father of her child is from Brazil the boy is born in the UK. The father signed the birth certificate but then totally vanished. She has no idea of his whereabouts now.

    *Can she apply for her son for a British passport without any consent from the father?
    *Would she need a solicitor to do it?
    * Does this need a court consent?

    Any information would be helpful.

    One of my friend told me if she tried to apply straight away without any solicitor's advice, the Home Office will just reject the application and the fees will be retained.

    Thanks a lot for all your answers good people of British-Filipino site. God bless!
    Last edited: May 16, 2018
  2. Sanders

    Sanders Banned

    I know this doesn’t answer your question but it might be worth starting here:

    Also a quick phone call to the relevant authority will help with sound advice.

    Tel 0300 222 0000

    They do provide useful help as they are the U.K. Passport Office people.
  3. Maharg

    Maharg Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Is the child definitely a British Citizen. I would check that. If he is then you can apply no problem. You won't need a solicitor.

    But, as the mother is Filipino and the father Brazilian, he may not be.

    Looking on line, it apparently depends on the relationship status with the father at the time of birth. Take a look at the link posted above to see if the child is British. I
  4. knightstrike

    knightstrike Well-Known Member

    One of the requirements for applying for British passport for "British by descent" is to provide certificate of naturalisation or British birth certificate by either parents.

    "British by descent" are those who are not born in the UK and have gained their British citizenship through their parents.
  5. AM2018

    AM2018 Member

    Thanks a lot guys!

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