Blair and the Iraq War then ISIS

Discussion in 'Rant and Rave' started by aposhark, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

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  2. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    If you read in between the lines, it was not an apology, but in my mind, a self discharge of any guilt.

    Again, he lied, and lied by blaming bad intelligence, when as everyone knows, the various dossiers and memos were tarted up, on his orders, to show imminent danger.

    He only came out with this half ar""d apology because Colin Powell memo to Bush shows Blair for the prize pratt he really is.
    So this latest interview is just damage limitation and a coded message to his other bumchum Chilcot not to include any of Colin Powell summations in his joke of a very late report.

    He should be arrested and tried for war crimes. He single handedly was responsible for the violent and painful demise of thousands of innocent people in his vanaglorious quest for recognition. As I don't think Bush would have tried on his own, He needed Blair to sway the UN into agreeing to invade Iraq

    Self serving slimy toad
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  3. Timmers

    Timmers Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    At the end of the day Saddam had to go whether he had WMD or not, didn't you get sick of seeing Saddam on the news day in day out goading the west? :)

    As I said, he had to go, whether it was done in a legal way...................I doubt very much.

    I think ISIS or similar groups of terrorist would have sprung up regardless of what happened in Iraq.
  4. walesrob

    walesrob Administrator Staff Member

    Bush and Blair caused massive instability in the Middle East, a price we are paying now and for many years to come. I would have rather the people of Iraq dealt with Saddam, maybe the outcome would have been different, who knows, but at the end of the day,the 'west' imposed their will on these people and now we reap what we sow.
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  5. Timmers

    Timmers Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    I agree that it would have been much better for the people of Iraq to deal with Saddam, it surprises me very much that the Americans could not make that happen, as in assassinating Saddam and blaming his own people, I always thought that this would be very doable.

    I also agree that the Allies should have had a plan to deal with the vacuum left by a leaderless Iraq, I often wondered why the Allies didn't go all the way to Bagdad in the first Gulf war, now I know why.
  6. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Here is that non-apology:

  7. MattWilkie

    MattWilkie Member

    Saddam was none of the business of the West in the same way many of these countries have nothing to do with us. Democracy for Iraq what a farce, does anyone read history? they were given democracy when the UK left Iraq.

    The West has become a bloated greedy banking nightmare to the planet. They rob and pillage everyone to suit themselves while me, you and everyone else on the planet suffers. While bankers and their cronie politicians blame "US" for everything.

    One thing the planet could do without is scum like Blair and I add porky Cameroon to the same list. They are all lining their pockets while telling us "they are different" than the last. Reality is they all eat from the same trough.
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