Windows 10 reminder/app/Icon......... gone

Discussion in 'Technology Advice' started by Aromulus, Oct 20, 2015.

  1. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    The upload speed is pretty good Keith, download, well yeah that's not bad I would not complain, would be good for large software downloads, however the reality is that many parts of the internet simply can't serve you data fast enough to take advantage of this kind of bandwidth, it is only really useful if you are doing a lot of things in parallel i.e. if the family are all using their own machine to independently do something that involves a lot of data.

    You will tend to find that site latency is constant from now on, in other words the speed that a page refreshes is pretty constant as it depends more on the server than on your own connection properties.

    The bit I am envious of is the upload speed, that's what you need to provide services to the rest of the web :)
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. Anon04576

    Anon04576 Well-Known Member

    Funny you should say that, so did I. Supposedly to be switched on before 12 tonight, I'm waiting! Who you with Keith, ISP?
  3. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Looks like PlusNet?
  4. Anon04576

    Anon04576 Well-Known Member

    Ah OK :)
  5. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    yes plus net they have a half price for 6 months 18 months total contract it works out £4 a month more than the crappy talk talk service i inherited the upload was almost 20 earlier the bt guy said it will get better over the next 10 days we are streaming three machines right now this is the latest

  6. Anon04576

    Anon04576 Well-Known Member

    Yep I did look at plus net but I phoned their support prior to purchasing as I had heard some bad reports. When I called it said there was a 45 minute wait. I left it in the end. I have now gone with BT but again I heard some bad reports. I just hope it is enable tonight as they implied it will. We will see.
  7. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    what sort of "services"?
  8. Anon04576

    Anon04576 Well-Known Member

    The BT is 27.50 pm for 12 months inclusive of weekend calls. I don't use the phone nor the BT sport but hey ho
  9. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Host your own web server, i.e. stick British Filipino on my own server for example, 13 MB upstream is plenty for that for a small site of our size.

    Host data services which provide information feeds on specific subjects to remote locations.

    Host your own media server, so that all your videos, dvd's and music are available from your own server from anywhere in the world.

    The list is as long as your imagination.

    Host and resell commercial web site hosting on a small scale but with higher quality of service than you can get from the big public providers.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. KeithAngel

    KeithAngel 2063 Lifetime Member

    food for thought thanks Oss;)
  11. Anon04576

    Anon04576 Well-Known Member

    My BT fibre has now been enabled. It will take 2 weeks to stabilise but here is my initial test.

  12. Timmers

    Timmers Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    A good speed there HaloHalo, I have a fast internet service too but I must say it hasn't made a huge difference really, only advantage I have seen is the wife being able to download her movies quicker.

    I'm a little disappointed :(
  13. Anon04576

    Anon04576 Well-Known Member

    Yep, I think Jim mentioned it previously in that outright speed won't be so noticeable but multiple users on said fibre should have a smoother experience. When I was streaming a movie on the broadband it would stall when the asawa started browsing especially the likes of YouTube. I have some Axis IP cameras that I'm utilising and so the extra upload speed will assist :) I might buy another Raspberry PI so I can serve some web pages now I have a bit of extra bandwidth.
  14. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    That's what I was saying to Keith above, there is a limit beyond which people don't really see any difference, that is not to say that faster is not better it is just that you have to have a use for it.

    That kind of upload speed is perfect for online offsite backup, everyone with these sort of speeds should be doing cloud backup of their important data. (photos documents etc.).

    The real benefits will come when Ultra high definition TV becomes widely available and as more and more TV moves to the internet. Also for higher and higher quality in video calls, you could do point to point video with these speeds without the need for all the compression that Skype uses today.

    And working from home, if you are a knowledge worker, these speeds open up that world, on my old fashioned ADSL remote control of my other machines is slow but with fibre speeds I could work from anywhere.
  15. Timmers

    Timmers Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Yes I remember Jim's post and explanation now, my memory is failing me, yes of course it is more beneficial if you have multiple uses in the house :)

    What I would like more than anything else is to click on a link or webpage and the page appears instantly, I don't like having to wait for a page to load albeit only being a second or two.
  16. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Another great use home monitoring (Axis) :)

    I used to have one of those back in the 1990's expensive but really good!
  17. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Won't happen mate, web developers fill their pages full of crappy slow javascript code, and the speed that runs at depends on your computer not the internet, the data arrives almost instantly and then Chrome or IE or Edge chugs through the mountains of crap that have arrived trying to work out how to draw it on the screen :D

    It is the one place where there is an excuse for getting a faster home computer these days, browsers are not the fastest bits of software, think of it as a stupid slow operating system inside a much bigger operating system (the big one is Windows and the small operating system is Chrome or IE).

    Saying that one of the main reason for slow page loads is multiple adverts particularly ones that need plugins like Flash, and again the second reason is that a lot of sites just can't send you the data that quickly in which case nothing you do will make it better :(
  18. Timmers

    Timmers Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Well, I'm disappointed again, I was rather hoping you may have been able to offer a fix to speed things up in that department :(

    We should have a "ask Jim" section to the forum where Jim answers our computer queries :)

    Thanks Jim :like:
  19. Anon04576

    Anon04576 Well-Known Member

    Yes, courtesy of work Jim :D They have replaced all the security cameras but in my humble opinion is that although the new cameras have higher resolution the Axis ones are far superior in every other aspect. Running linux they are very versatile. I have kept them as stock. One now auto emails me when there is activity, and as you probably know, fully configurable triggers. I can enable it when we leave the house and get pinged with a notification when the trigger fires. The only downside it that there's no SSL for SMTP in the config so I have had to utilise Google's free port 25 SMTP, which then sends an email to a GMail account, however it gets flagged as spam due to that mechanism. GMail does allow it to set as non-spam though which I then auto-forward to my work email account.
  20. oss

    oss Somewhere Staff Member

    Another issue is for example going from 'Recent Posts' on this site to arriving at this post involved 51 separate internet requests and on my machine had completed in about 5 seconds, and we don't have adverts here :) a lot of that time is just waiting for the server that hosts the site to get round to having enough time to serve the responses back to us but in those 51 requests there are a load of requests that go out to google to get the latest jquery and javascript api's (although a lot of that should be cached).

    The real problem is that the web was designed to share text and documents and images, and if that is all you serve it is blazingly fast these days, but then we programmers started hacking it to make it do other stuff and that all started back in the mid 1990's trouble was that no one was in charge and a lot of bad decisions got made.

    The things you have to know in order to write a functioning modern website these days are mind boggling, MVC pattern, html 5, javascript, jquery, CSS, Signal R, AJAX, server side data services, server page delivery, page lifecycle, state management (management of state by cookies is the biggest pile of poo ever invented in my opinion, there are ways to manage state server side that are better).

    You need to know all of this crap in order to understand the impact your code will have when more than 3 users access your web server, it is a big crappy mess and we are all stuck with it, luckily Microsoft and Google are finally collaborating on a way to make the client side code a bit better in that they are working on angular 2 and implementing TypeScript which will make programmers life's a lot easier at coding time as javascript is an un-typed abortion of a language which should be relegated to being the output result of a higher level compiler.

    And separately Microsoft are making some very nice advances in server side coding technologies since they open sourced the whole of ASP.Net.

    Compared to writing a desktop native application that runs on your PC like all the old software you ever used in the past, writing a web application consumes 10 times the time and effort.

    The web of today as you know it is one gigantic hack, but we cover it up by invoking the notion that it has standards!

    Rant over :D

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