
Discussion in 'Rant and Rave' started by walesrob, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. walesrob

    walesrob Administrator Staff Member

    Oh for goodness sake, snow does NOT equal the end of the world.

    I work in retail and every time the snow word is mention, mass panic buying ensues every time. Like lemmings off a cliff, they come in their thousands seeking bread and milk, only to throw it all out a few days later when the so-called snow monster fails to materialise and live up to the sensationalist headlines screaming from every news outlet.

    How does Norway and Sweden cope with snow? How does the Philippines cope with extreme heat? Why does "extreme" weather in the UK seem to trigger mass panic buying at the shops every bloody time. Jeez.

    There, rant over. :D
  2. Kuya

    Kuya The Geeky One Staff Member

    For me personally, snow means overtime... So I'm looking forward to a lot of it :)
  3. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    Brrrr, its a bit chilly here next to the aircon :D
  4. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Ummm.... if you have some snow to spare, can you please ship it over to us? :D
  5. walesrob

    walesrob Administrator Staff Member

    Hows sunny Cebu? Send some of that sun over! :D

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