Visa Fees & IHS

Discussion in 'Migrating to Britain' started by Heathen, Jul 13, 2023.

  1. Heathen

    Heathen Active Member

    To pay for the Public sector pay rises Sunak has said these fees will increase so hurry up if you are thinking of coming to the UK.

    The government will help fund public sector pay increases by “significantly” raising fees for migrants’ visa applications and NHS access, Rishi Sunak said.

    The prime minister told a Downing Street press conference: “What we have done are two things to find this money.

    “The first is we’re going to increase the charges that we have for migrants who are coming to this country when they apply for visas.

    “And indeed, something called the immigration health surcharge, which is the levy that they pay to access the NHS.

    “So all of those fees are going to go up and that will raise over a billion pounds.”

    Its just a great pity that all of the so called illegal immigrants and refugees get everything paid for by the state, yet genuine immigrants have to pay through the nose to be able to migrate to the UK. I dont have any problem with immigrants having to pay the NHS surcharge, but Sunak by raising the fees will make it appear that he is doing something about immigration when in actual fact there is very little that he can do about the boat people, this is a big big problem for a lot of European countries not just the UK and unfortunately freedom of movement is just stoking up a ticking time bomb.
  2. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    I think they are targeting short term work visas temporary people who don’t pay any nhs surcharge but are able to use the NHS while here
  3. Br28016

    Br28016 Active Member Trusted Member

    I'm pretty sure they are targeting all visa's unless exempt. Also visa's over six months have to pay health surcharge so will include short term work visas over six months.

    Remember reading when they proposed the move from 200 to 600 that the considered whether they would lose money and concluded that no as families would pay as no choice.

    It is a pure money maker and easy target as immigrants dont have votes.
  4. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    and i'm sure it WILL be popular with those who do have the vote.
  5. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    come to think of it--the gov will no doubt protest that the earnings requirement hasnt changed since the new rules came in--11 years ago: which means any sponsor working full time on the minimum wage would now qualify! Great--more applicants!--even higher fees!! Great business model.
  6. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

  7. Heathen

    Heathen Active Member

    I would just like to comment about the IHS which I am in favour of, it is apparently going to cost £1035 per year but and this is the issue I have with that cost, I struggle to even get an appointment to see a GP, and luckily my wife has no need to contact our GP, but with the current state of our NHS it's basically £1035 per year to get a telephone consultation, and last but not least where the heck would our NHS, Nursing and Care Homes be without these so called immigrants?, Sunak & Co need to take a long hard look at where the Country is heading, as I see it this rise in visa fees will impact on visa applications especially those with families, so what we will have in my humble opinion is less immigrants that the country needs such as Health care workers and more of the Car wash type of immigrants that struggle to string two words of english together.
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  8. John Surrey

    John Surrey Well-Known Member

    Not looking good for me...
  9. PorkAdobo

    PorkAdobo Active Member

    The current breed of Conservatives hate your Filipino spouses who have legally moved to this country. They know that Filipino partners are easy cannon fodder to placate the racist loons who are seething about refugees coming into the country. Those racist loons, those useful idiots, who have given people like Farage relevance in this country are solely responsible for the contempt in which this rotten government holds foreign spouses.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  10. Daveyw1988

    Daveyw1988 Active Member

    Rich boy sunak going to the peole who come here "legally" and pay there on way and taxes when they get here instead of stopping the £7 million a day luxurious living for the dinghy divers... Couldnt make it up how corrupt this country has got.. Literally everything is broken and then he goes after the people who do right
    Makes my pi** boil
    If your corrupt and commit crime you will fit in here... Do right and your done

    Ahh well.. Doubt rich boy sunak will be in charge come next election
    Speaking of rich boy sunak.. Maybe he can get his wife of "nom dom" status so she can pay her millions she owes the uk treasury
    Ohhh wait... She doesnt have to right?

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