Registering with the NMC Nursing & Midwifery Council

Discussion in 'General Chit Chat' started by CatchFriday, Oct 7, 2018.

  1. CatchFriday

    CatchFriday British Expat living in Alicante, Spain

    After passing ILETS 7.5 and OSCE Part 1 (She was the only applicant to apply to UK at the centre in Manila - all the rest were going to the US.

    Almost there - the process is though horrendous! So much red tape.

    If I hadn't phoned, she would still be waiting - pressing submit suggests that the applicant will register within 40 to 60 days.

    I phoned on day 45 days - some problem with her Saudi papers. She had sent through the propers papers, but they had not looked at them.

    So they are still verifying - there is a chronic shortage of nurses in the UK and she is queued to work in the NHS in my local town, she has passed the interview - but she is now in red tape.

    In Church today I met a Nigerian RGN staff nurse who works for Excel Care and told me he was on a two year Tier 2 work permit and was earning £44,500 a year! He said he worked a 48 hour week at £17.95 an hour x 48 x 52. Big money....... when I was a Band 7 District Nurse Leader in Fulham I earned something like that in 2011. I am now retired though.
  2. CatchFriday

    CatchFriday British Expat living in Alicante, Spain

    I understand that the Ilets entry for written part is now 6.5

    My partner is now working in the UK in my local hospital, having received a three year residential residents permit. It has been a long slog to get this far, but the perseverance has paid off.
  3. Anon04576

    Anon04576 Well-Known Member

    Have you got a link in regards to the written being reduced to 6.5?
  4. CatchFriday

    CatchFriday British Expat living in Alicante, Spain

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  5. Heathen

    Heathen Active Member

    Yes its true what the Nigerian RGN told you, take a look;

    So anyone wanting a career change could do worse than looking at Excel Care..
  6. CatchFriday

    CatchFriday British Expat living in Alicante, Spain

    Nursing in the NHS offers excellent opportunities for training, which the nurse I mentioned was unable to access. He complained that training in the Nursing Home was not on par.

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